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Top nuke negotiator did not resign — spokesman

TEHRAN (AP) — Iran’s top nuclear negotiator will remain in place at least until the country’s new hardline president takes office, his spokesman said Wednesday, denying a report from the state news agency that said he had resigned. But the report throws into doubt the future of Hasan Rowhani — …

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Coup-plagued Comoros mark independence day with government reshuffle

MORONI — Amid persistent poverty and a shaky federal union between its three islands, the coup-plagued Indian Ocean archipelago of Comoros celebrated independence on Wednesday with a Cabinet reshuffle. Announced on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Comoros’ July 6, 1975 independence from France, the changes saw the …

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Darfur parties agree on basics, adjourn talks

ABUJA (Reuters) — The parties to peace talks on Sudan’s Darfur region on Tuesday signed a declaration of principles, a breakthrough in negotiations aimed at settling a 2-1/2 year conflict that has killed tens of thousands. But the broad declaration left the nitty-gritty of a comprehensive peace settlement for later …

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Iraqis say security forces use torture to extract confessions

BAGHDAD — As she tells it, security forces put her in solitary confinement for days on end, whipped her with electric cables and accused her of having sex with a stranger. Humiliated and fearful for her life, the 46-year-old Iraqi housewife went before a TV camera and “confessed” to helping …

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Sharon orders speedup in building barrier

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has ordered quicker work to finish Israel’s contentious West Bank separation barrier, especially the section enclosing Jerusalem, a senior official said Wednesday — and Palestinians responded that Israel is trying to dictate borders while taking over their part of the disputed city.

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27 invaders killed, wounded in mountain Chechnya

During combat actions CRI’s Vedeno district last Tuesday 12 invaders were killed and about 15 invaders were wounded. One BTR armored vehicle was knock out. One more vehicle was burnt down, the spokesman of the Headquarters of the Eastern Front of CRI Armed Forces reported.

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An Unlikely Antiwar Hero for Russians

An ex-police officer is accused of war crimes in Chechnya. For some, his case illustrates Moscow’s misguided policy on the republic. In a war of horrors, it was one of the worst chapters. On the morning of Feb. 5, 2000, more than 100 Russian contract soldiers and riot police entered …

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The International Force

The modern Russian reality is characterized with that the security officers’ grouping of Putin, gained a foothold in the Kremlin, by virtue of features of its “professional thinking” does not see the real importance of political problems, but as external demonstrations of some “latent threats”, more scale ones, having another …

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At least 11 killed as blast hits three army trucks Dagestan

New reported comes from Makhachkala. At least 11 Russian invaders from so-called Special Troops were killed as a result of bomb explosion on Friday. 21 invaders were wounded. However, the death toll may rise since three army trucks were undermined. It is also reported that the killed and wounded invaders …

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Greek Justice Minister Names New Top Judges

ATHENS, Greece — Following a government session Tuesday (5 July), Justice Minister Anastassis Papaligouras announced personnel changes in two top judicial offices. Romylos Kedikoglou was named head of the Greek Supreme Court, while Giorgos Panayiotopoulos was tapped for head of the Council of State. New vice-chairmen were also appointed in …

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