TimeLine Layout

July, 2006

  • 29 July

    PKK is not Hezbollah

    Turkey says that Israel’s recent action in Lebanon to stop Hezbollah attacks means that Turkey should be allowed to take similar steps against Kurdish guerrillas operating from northern Iraq against Turkish forces.

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  • 29 July

    Al Zarqawi’s men bring terror to northern Iraq

    Baghdad: The oil-rich northern province of Kirkuk is becoming the second deadliest city in Iraq after the capital, Baghdad.

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  • 29 July

    Private security guards fire on protestors in Sulemani

    London (KurdishMedia.com) 27 July 2006: Early in the morning on Thursday, the private security guards of the Tasluja Cement Factory of Sulemani fired on the protesters injuring 13 people, reported online pukmedia.com.

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  • 27 July

    Syria’s Lebanese refugees remain defiant

    ZABADANI, Syria (Reuters) – Lebanese refugees gather around a small black and white television set at this Syrian summer resort chanting “God is great” every time Hizbollah’s station announces Israeli casualties.

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  • 27 July

    Israel decides to limit offensive, send in more troops

    The decision was made at a meeting of Israel’s Security Cabinet. The Cabinet meeting, which went an hour over its scheduled time, came a day after nine Israeli troops were killed in heated battles with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

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  • 27 July

    Deadly conflict brings out harder Israeli edge

    HAIFA, Israel (Reuters) – The death of nine Israeli troops in southern Lebanon, Israel’s deadliest day of the war so far, left ordinary citizens all the more determined on Thursday that the army should forge ahead with its 15-day offensive.

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  • 27 July

    In the Name of God , The Almighty

    Comunicat de presa al Ambasadei Republicii Islamice Iran la Bucuresti in legatura cu actiunile inumane impotriva popoarelor Palestinian si Libanez  Zilele acestea intreaga lume este martora atacurilor brutale indreptate impotriva populatiei oprimate si lipsite de aparare din Palestina si Liban. Lipsa de reactie in aceste conditii a Organizatiilor Internationale si …

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  • 27 July

    Chechen mothers want answers about the “disappeared”, not money

    GROZNY, Russia (Reuters) – The Chechen women who gathered to demonstrate for the return of their “disappeared” sons thronged around the only journalist who came their way.

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  • 27 July

    Israeli attacks kill 3 in Gaza Strip: medics

    GAZA (Reuters) – Israeli attacks killed three people in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, a day after fighting that left 24 Palestinians dead, Palestinian medical workers said.

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  • 27 July

    Afghan aid too slow, ineffective: NATO

    BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The failure by major donors to follow through on aid pledges to Afghanistan could undermine its efforts to quell an insurgency in the impoverished Muslim state, NATO warned on Thursday. The alliance is set to takeover military operations from the U.S.-led coalition in the violent south of …

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