TimeLine Layout

August, 2005

  • 31 August

    Khalilzad suggests there may be further changes to constitution

    US says `known terrorist’ killed as 45 die in fighting BAGHDAD (AP) — In a dramatic turn, the US ambassador opened the door Tuesday to further changes in Iraq’s draft constitution and signalled the Bush administration had not given up on a campaign to push through a charter that will …

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  • 31 August

    Egypt envoy holds truce talks with Palestinian factions

    GAZA CITY (AFP) — A senior Egyptian envoy told the Palestinian parliament Tuesday that Cairo would work “hand in hand” with the Palestinians for an end to Israel’s occupation of all territory seized in 1967. “I have the pleasure of being with you to convey the congratulations of President (Hosni) …

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  • 30 August

    No 2nd stage of disengagement; roadmap talks next — Sharon

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — Egyptian intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, yesterday met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss ways of shoring up the ceasefire and border controls between Gaza and Egypt. The visit came at the same time as EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana met Israeli officials to discuss how …

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  • 30 August

    Lebanese brace for results of investigation into Hariri’s murder

    BEIRUT — After months of bombings, assassinations and political upheaval, many Lebanese fear the worst is yet to come as the United Nations wraps up its investigation into the killing of former prime minister Rafiq Hariri. Some prominent politicians and journalists have reportedly fled the country. Others stay cooped up …

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  • 30 August

    Gaza fishermen dream of freedom on high seas after Israel’s withdrawal

    GAZA CITY — The fishermen of Gaza believe that Allah has put them to work in the only place in the world where the Mediterranean suffocates rather than gives a sense of freedom. But as the days of Israel’s 38-year rule draw to a close, they are hoping to take …

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  • 30 August

    Mubarak’s vote triumph seen certain, but many look beyond incumbent

    CAIRO — From deep in Egypt’s south to the nation’s Mediterranean shores hundreds of kilometres to the north, everyone knows that it’s all but a formality for Hosni Mubarak to win next month’s presidential election. Such apathy is routine given Egypt’s long record of electoral fraud. Yet surprisingly, many in …

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  • 30 August

    Sunnis mobilise to defeat charter

    FALLUJAH — As the Sunni tribal chiefs file into the bullet-scarred headquarters of the US-led coalition in the centre of Fallujah, it is immediately clear what they came to talk about. “The constitution is weak and it casts the Sunnis aside,” says one. “We have to keep Iraq united from …

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  • 30 August

    Reuters demands release of wounded journalist

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Reuters demanded the immediate release on Monday of an Iraqi cameraman who was still being held by US forces in Baghdad more than a day after being wounded in an incident in which his soundman was killed. Iraqi police said the news team was shot by US …

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  • 30 August

    Iraqi Sunnis urge charter change

    BAGHDAD (AP) — Thousands of Sunni demonstrators rallied in Saddam Hussein’s hometown of Tikrit on Monday to denounce Iraq’s new constitution a day after negotiators finished the new charter without the endorsement of Sunni Arabs. Sunni leaders have urged their community to defeat the charter in a nationwide referendum on …

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  • 29 August

    Suicide bomber strikes in Beersheva

    Abbas condemns attack, describes it `terrorist operation’ OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — A suicide bomber blew himself up yesterday wounding some 40 Israelis, two of them seriously, in the southern Israeli town of Beersheva. The bombing came four days after Israeli troops killed five Palestinians, three of them teenagers, in the northern …

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