TimeLine Layout

June, 2005

  • 22 June

    Russia: Police Brutality Shows Traces Of Chechnya

    Stavropol Krai’s human rights ombudsman Aleksei Selyukov last week sent a complaint to the krai prosecutor about alleged massive violations of human rights in the town of Ivanovskoe in the Kochygbeevskoe Raion on the night of 11 June, when Interior Ministry troops reportedly rounded up more than 30 local youths …

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  • 22 June

    Aljazeera Guantanamo inmate abused

    An Aljazeera cameraman who has been incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay since 2001 has suffered extreme physical, sexual and religious abuse, his lawyer has said. Clive Stafford-Smith, who visited clients in the US detention camp in Cuba a few weeks ago, told Aljazeera.net that Sami al-Hajj had been beaten by his …

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  • 22 June

    20 invaders killed and wounded in Noviye Atagi firefight

    The representative of the Chechen command reported to Kavkaz Center News agency about 15-hour-long fight in village Noviye Atagi, which has begun about 19 o’clock in the evening on 16 June and has come to the end in the morning on 17 June. A group of Mujahideen who held positions …

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  • 22 June

    The Review of the 301st Week of the War

    For the last week fighting activity in the territory of the ChRI and in the whole Northern Caucasus has decreased a little in comparison with the previous weeks, but, nevertheless, invaders and their henchmen continued to sustain significant losses. In the war communiques the capital of the country, city-hero Johar, …

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  • 22 June

    A-H Sadulaev: «The war can be stopped only with the war »

    Russia has destroyed our hopes for peace An interview of the President of the ChRI Abdul-Halim Sadulaev to the Arabian newspaper “Al-Aman”. (The version of the Turkish edition “Milli Gazete”)

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  • 22 June

    11 invaders killed in recent clashes in Chechnya

    At least eleven Russian invaders were killed during military operations in Chechnya on 18 June, a spokesman of the military committee of the State Defense Committee – Majlis ul-Shura of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria [CRI] reported. Six invaders were killed as a result of skirmish in Vedeno district of …

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  • 22 June

    Chechen Gov urge Council of Europe to protect human rights in Chechnya

    It will be six years soon as the second stage of the Russian-Chechen war has been continuing. This war which the Russian Federation started against the Chechen nation is the cruellest in the modern European history. The one-million-strong population of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria has sustained catastrophic losses as …

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  • 22 June

    The Chechen trace» in the case of Hlebnikov’s murder

    The difficult situation with the murder of the journalist Paul Hlebnikov, at last, has got clear and simple outlines. According to the version of the Russian Office of the Public Prosecutor, a Chechen, Hoj-Ahmed Nuhaev, having taken offence on Hlebnikov for his book, employed two Chechens to kill him. The …

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  • 22 June

    Up to 20,000 US troops may depart Iraq next year — general

    BAGHDAD (AFP) — US troops may start withdrawing from Iraq next March, a US general said Tuesday, as the new US ambassador to the volatile country pledged to help Iraqis crush a ruthless insurgency. As many as four or five US military brigades (up to 20,000 people) could leave then …

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  • 22 June

    Sharon, Abbas make little progress

    AN UNPRECEDENTED SUMMIT between the Palestinian and Israeli leaders broke up in Jerusalem on Tuesday amid bitter arguments and recriminations over continuing violence, yielding few tangible results. Palestinian officials at the meeting said Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon began the two-hour summit with a humiliating 20-minute lecture to Palestinian President …

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