TimeLine Layout

May, 2005

  • 27 May

    Conflicting statements on Zarqawi deputy

    DUBAI (Reuters) — Conflicting statements about the leadership of Al Qaeda in Iraq appeared on the Internet on Thursday following reports that its chief, Abu Mussab Al Zarqawi, had been wounded. A statement in the name of Al Qaeda Organisation for Holy War in Iraq was posted on an Islamist …

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  • 27 May

    Money, vote-buying engines of polls

    BEIRUT (AFP) — Money, vote-buying and vote-rigging, in parallel with links of clan and community structure, have always been the essential engines for success in Lebanese legislative elections. On the eve of Lebanon’s independence in 1943, “the partisans of presidential candidate Beshara al-Khoury, who was supported by Britain, were the …

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  • 27 May

    Donors pledge new aid to Darfur mission

    ADDIS ABABA (AFP) — International donors on Thursday pledged millions in further aid to an African Union (AU) peace mission in Sudan’s troubled western Darfur region as the pan-African body announced peace talks between Khartoum and rebels will resume next month. Amid calls for renewed urgency in dealing with the …

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  • 27 May

    Australian Muslim leader offers Iraq hostage swap

    CANBERRA (Reuters) — Australian Muslim leader Sheikh Taj Al Din Al Hilali has offered himself to Iraqi militants in exchange for the freedom of Australian hostage Douglas Wood. A video tape of Hilali’s offer to swap himself for Wood — a 63-year-old engineer held hostage for more than three weeks …

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  • 27 May

    Egypt backs election change as US blasts crackdown

    CAIRO (AFP) — Eighty-three per cent of voters backed a law change allowing for Egypt’s first competitive presidential election, the government said Thursday, as the United States blasted police violence at pro-reform rallies. Interior Minister Habib Adli hailed the 53 per cent of the country’s 32.5 million voters who cast …

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  • 27 May

    “Stop settlement expansion”

    WASHINGTON (AFP) — Text of statements made by US President George W. Bush and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after their White House summit here Thursday: President George W. Bush Thank you. Mr President, it is my honour to welcome the democratically elected leader of the Palestinian people to the White …

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  • 27 May

    Bush reaffirms backing for Palestinian state

    WASHINGTON (Agencies) — President George W. Bush held his first White House meeting with a Palestinian leader in four years Thursday and reaffirmed the US commitment to a viable Palestinian state and an end to Israeli settlement expansion. Bush made his remarks after conferring with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who …

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  • 26 May

    Amnesty accuses Israel, Palestinian groups of committing crimes against humanity

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (AP) — Amnesty International on Wednesday accused Israeli soldiers operating in the West Bank and Gaza of committing war crimes, including unlawful killings, torture, destruction of property, obstruction of medical assistance and targeting of medical personnel. The London-based human rights group’s report for 2004 also condemned the deliberate …

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  • 26 May

    A look at the key players in politics

    CAIRO (AP) — A look at the key players in Egypt’s politics trying to influence Wednesday’s referendum on the constitutional amendment that sets broad rules for Egypt’s first presidential election. The ruling National Democratic Party and eleven minor parties also have announced participation in Wednesday’s election. . Hosni Mubarak: President …

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  • 26 May

    1st free polls in 3 decades to be held Sunday

    BEIRUT (AFP) — Free of the shackles of its powerful neighbour Syria, Lebanon votes on Sunday in what is being hailed as the first truly free elections in three decades — with the anti-Damascus opposition set to win. Many of Syria’s once-powerful allies have already thrown in the towel and …

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