TimeLine Layout

May, 2005

  • 26 May

    Campaigning kicks off for presidential election

    TEHRAN (AFP) — Campaigning for next month’s presidential election officially got under way in Iran on Wednesday after hardliners agreed to let two reformists into a race dominated by hardliners and conservatives. The field of eight men will be battling to succeed reformist President Mohammad Khatami, near the end of …

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  • 26 May

    Iran, EU avert deadlock in nuke standoff

    GENEVA (AFP) — Major European powers and Iran have agreed to continue talks over Tehran’s controversial nuclear programme amid signs they could strike a deal soon, foreign ministers and negotiators said after a last-ditch meeting here Wednesday to avert an escalation in the dispute. Iran pledged to maintain a suspension …

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  • 26 May

    US committed to ‘contiguous’ Palestinian state — Rice

    WASHINGTON (AFP) — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday praised Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ performance in office so far and reaffirmed the US commitment to creating a “contiguous” Palestinian state. In an interview with AFP as Abbas started a round of talks in Washington, Rice played down reported Israeli …

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  • 26 May

    Abbas wants election delay

    RAMALLAH (AP) — Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas wants to postpone parliamentary elections until November, hoping to recapture some of the popular support his ruling Fateh movement has lost, a spokesman for the Hamas group said Wednesday. Two Palestinian officials close to Abbas, who is in the US for talks with …

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  • 26 May

    Troops sweep western Iraqi town

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Around 1,000 US and Iraqi troops swept through the western town of Haditha on Wednesday, searching homes and seizing suspects in an anti-insurgent raid that follows a surge in militant attacks. The US military said Marines, sailors and Iraqi soldiers were all involved in the operation, dubbed …

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  • 26 May

    Egypt votes on poll reform as boycott urged

    CAIRO (AP) — Plainclothes government agents beat protesters Wednesday, then watched as supporters of President Hosni Mubarak punched other demonstrators, in scattered violence that cast a pall over a referendum the 24-year ruler has called a crucial step towards democracy. Women protesters in particular seemed to be targeted for beatings …

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  • 24 May

    Ostaticii se intorc astazi din iad

    Ieri la ora 13,44, cei trei ziaristi romani rapiti in Irak, Marie Jeanne Ion, Ovidiu Ohanesian si Sorin Miscoci, precum si cetateanul american de origine irakiana, Mohammad Munaf au fost eliberati si sunt teferi si nevatamati, a informat Presedintia Romaniei. Potrivit acestui comunicat, cei patru au ajuns sub controlul autoritatilor …

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  • 24 May

    Pretul unui vis nobil

    In fiecare zi, timp a 45 de ani, Yasser Arafat a cautat realizarea unui stat palestinian independent, de la granita cu Libanul in nord, pana in sud la frontiera cu Egiptul, de la raul Iordaniei pana la Marea Mediterana. De la varsta de 17 ani el a fost capabil sa …

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  • 24 May


    INTRODUCTION Algeria (French Algérie), officially Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria, republic of western North Africa; bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea; on the east by Tunisia and Libya; on the south by Niger, Mali, and Mauritania; and on the west by Morocco. Its total area is 2,381,741 …

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  • 24 May

    Moartea celor dragi provoaca suferinta si durere

    Atunci cand seful guvernului israelian a acordat o mana libera armatei israeliene pentru desfasurarea oricaror operatiuni militare,avea ca scop stoparea atacurilor lansate de unele grupari palestiniene din Fasia Gaza . Conform Rompres, Sharon le-a ordonat trupelor sa desfasoare operatiuni fara limita de timp si sa faca uz de toate mijloacele, …

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