Putin has earned some raised eyebrows amongst the Russian commentariat for his sudden offer to ‘work with the US’ in exploiting Russian rare earth and mineral resources in both Russia and the Donbass. He was accused of selling Russia out in exchange for sweeping the war under the rug. But …
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Hezbollah leader’s funeral was a show of force by the group after heavy war losses
After a series of political and military losses, the funeral held on Sunday for Hezbollah’s slain leaders dramatically showed the group’s wide popular support Hezbollah successfully managed to draw a massive crowd to the funeral of its slain leaders on Sunday, in what analysts believe is a show of force …
Read More »Un nouveau Blackwater ? Près de 100 mercenaires américains se trouvent actuellement à Gaza
Armés jusqu’aux dents de fusils M4 et de pistolets Glock et les poches remplies de leur avance de 10 000 $ ainsi et plus, 96 anciens anciens combattants des forces spéciales américaines sont actuellement stationnés à Gaza. Ces mercenaires ont été embauchés par UG Solutions, un entrepreneur militaire basé en …
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