Glavas Arrested in Bosnia

resizer45Police in Bosnia took war crimes fugitive Branimir Glavas into custody following a decision on Tuesday by Croatia to issue an international arrest warrant.

Glavas’ Bosnian attorney Nikic Grzic confirmed for Croatian television HTV that Glavas is to be taken to Sarajevo before noon Wednesday, in order to determine whether or not Glavas was legally granted Bosnian citizenship.

The Ministry of Security in Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed that they had received an international warrant for the arrest of Glavas, issued by the Croatian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Glavas was tried and found guilty by a Zagreb County Court for war crimes against Serb civilians in Osijek in 1991.

“The office in charge of cooperation with Interpol at the Ministry of Security received an international arrest warrant for Branimir Glavas,” said the Bosnian ministry in a press release.

The Sarajevo media report that the warrant was immediately forwarded to the relevant police organs in Bosnia so they could undertake further measures.

In all previous cases of this type, Bosnian police took people into custody to determine whether they are legitimate citizens. Police earlier confirmed that Glavas requested and received Bosnian citizenship, which is an obstacle for his extradition to Croatia, due to constitutional limitations.

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