Đukanović: No alternative to whole Bosnia

Montenegrin PM Milo Đukanović thinks that a whole Bosnia-Herzegovina does not have an alternative.

He said in Washington on Thursday while giving a lecture at a university that “any secession idea could have tragic consequences to stability of the region”.

“Bosnia-Herzegovina must survive and we think that all efforts leading toward establishment of a sustainable state entity should be supported,” said Đukanović.

“We are impressed with the trust that all American participants in the talks have in Montenegro’s opportunities to contribute to finding the most constructive and sustainable solutions for the long-term regional stability by using its example and initiatives toward neighbors,” Đukanović also stated.

Đukanović is on official visit to U.S. during which he held meetings with the top officials of the American administration and numerous senators.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joseph Biden announced that they would continue to support Montenegro on its path toward fully-fledged NATO membership and offered their support “to its efforts to establish the rule of law”.

The Montenegrin PM will wrap up his visit to U.S. with meetings with the officials of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Minister of Finance Igor Lukšić, who also took the trip together with Đukanović and Foreign Minister Milan Roćen, said ahead of the meetings that talks with the World Bank and IMF officials would show whether negotiations about an IMF arrangement would begin “at this point”.

Lukšić pointed out that the government0s budget plan for this year includes a possibility of talking out an IMF loan.

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