Suomen halu hakea puolustusliitto Natoon vahvistuu tällä viikolla. Eduskunnan puolustusvaliokunta totesi tiistaina, että jäsenyys olisi Suomen turvallisuuden kannalta paras ratkaisu. Torstaina presidentti Sauli Niinistö kertoo oman kantansa ja pääministeri Sanna Marin vanavedessä. Näillä näkymin jäsenhakemus laitetaan eteenpäin eduskuntakäsittelyn jälkeen ensi viikolla. Nato-hakemuksen eteneminen näyttää vääjäämättömältä. Ylen tuoreen kyselytutkimuksen mukaan 76 …
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In the wake of the North’s election, more urgency is needed in the quest for compromise
The people of Northern Ireland have spoken – the question now is when will the politicians they have chosen get back to work? When the 90 members of the legislative assembly gather on Thursday we will be looking for signals of hope – not the old sterile politics dubbed “whataboutery” …
Read More »Rosja deprawuje pamięć historyczną
Według Kremla Rosjanie to „współcześni Żydzi”, którzy przeciw sobie mają „nazistów”, tj. kraje wrogie. Ma to przekonać Rosjan, iż ofiary są dziś równie uzasadnione jak 80 lat temu. Strach bywa naprawdę kiepskim doradcą. Władze miejskie Berlina tak wystraszyły się perspektywy starć 8-9 maja między Ukraińcami i Rosjanami, którzy żyją w …
Read More »SDF arrests suspected ISIS cell leader in Raqqa
The US-backed Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that it arrested a suspected ISIS leader and two local collaborators in Raqqa on Sunday. “Our forces have raided a house where the terrorist was hiding with the help of two local collaborators who helped in securing shelter and movement,” the SDF …
Read More »Iraqi militia power plays bring back outcast Sunni leader
Iran-linked parties in Iraq are playing on perceived and actual support for once-ostracized Sunni leaders to divide their political opponents despite inherent risks. Following series of meetings between Kurdistan Democratic Party and their Shiite and Sunnies allies in Erbil in order to form a majority government, a high delegation from …
Read More »Turkish foreign minister to visit Israel
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu’s visit to Israel May 24 could finally open the way for both countries to reinstate their ambassadors. Israeli and Turkish representatives are both expected to participate May 10 at the spring meeting of the international donor group for Palestine (AHLC). But apart from the expected …
Read More »Syria’s Assad makes rare visit to Tehran
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and other Iranian leaders. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made a rare visit to Tehran to meet with Iranian officials, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in February 2020, Khamenei has not met …
Read More »Can Ankara-Riyadh rapprochement help improve Turkey-Egypt ties?
Although Ankara has secured several diplomatic strides by normalizing its relations with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, rapprochement with Egypt still seems a challenging prospect. Turkey’s efforts to turn a fresh leaf with its former Arab rivals have so far been fraught with U-turns and unilateral concessions from …
Read More »Nuclear Explosion in Miniature: Why the UAF Is Scared by the Appearance of “Blazing Sun” in Donbass
The UAF does not have similar weapons, and it is almost impossible to hide from the impact of thermobaric missiles. TOS “Blazing Sun” On May 6, there were reports that the TOS-1A “Blazing Sun” destroyed several buildings used by the Ukrainian army as strongholds in the defence of Krasny Liman— …
Read More »Russia’s Economic Woes Causing Hardship In Kyrgyzstan – Analysis
Despite its share of bustling markets, luxury cars, fancy shopping malls, and other signs of a thriving consumer society, the forecasted per-capita income for Kyrgyzstan this year of some $1,300 is one of the lowest in Central Asia. And just as the economy of this mountainous country of around 6 …
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