The French military has withdrawn soldiers from its base in Timbuktu, Mali, turning over the base to the Malian military as they wind down their deployment after nine years. French troops first deployed to Mali after Islamic insurgents began taking large chunks of territory in 2013. Timbuktu is where then-French …
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Macron et Orban : opération séduction en Europe centrale
Malgré des positions différentes entre Macron et Orban, un rapprochement est en train de s’opérer. Pour s’émanciper de l’Allemagne ? Le président Emmanuel Macron a rencontré le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban. Ce dernier assure actuellement la présidence tournante du groupe de Visegrad (Pologne, République tchèque, Slovaquie et Hongrie) et a …
Read More »Rahatsız edici ekonomi ve seçim senaryoları
Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan’ın ekonomi konularını danıştığı hukukçu İzzet Özgenç’in ekonomik nedenlerle Olağanüstü Hal (OHAL) ilanına hazırlıklı olunması gerektiği yolundaki tvit mesajı ortalığı karıştırdı. Merkez Bankasının 13 Aralık öğle saatlerinde 14 lira 60 kuruşa dayanan ABD dolarını 50-60 kuruş düşürebilmek için -iddialara göre 2,5 milyar dolar- harcaması bu mesajla boşa gitti. …
Read More »Нет капусты — пусть едят авокадо
Почему люди боятся роста цен, а власти — нет. Объясняет экономист Дмитрий Прокофьев Инфляция в России, конечно же, есть. Правда, как сообщило Министерство экономического развития в своем релизе «О текущей ценовой ситуации» от 08.12.21, в ноябре рост цен замедлился до 0,96% (в октябре цены прибавили 1,11%). В годовом выражении инфляция …
Read More »Egypt Calls for Federation in Cyprus, Rejecting Turkish-backed 2-State Solution
Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Tuesday said a solution to the dispute in ethnically divided Cyprus must follow the UN-endorsed road map for reunification of the island in a federal framework, and be based on international law rather than promoting “aggressive activities or expansionist tendencies.” His remarks, seen as …
Read More »UAE Suspends $23 Million Deal to Buy F-35s From US While US Says Committed to Sale
While the United Arab Emirates seems to really want to buy F-35 fighter jets from the United States , conditions placed by the US on the sale could lead the UAE to scrap the whole sale. The UAE on Tuesday told the US that it was suspending discussions on the …
Read More »Arab Gulf Countries Call on Iran To Make Progress in Nuclear Talks
Arab Gulf countries meeting in Saudi Arabia called on Iran to ease tension and make progress in its nuclear talks with the world powers, and Iran just may be listening. The final communique issued at the end of the 42nd Gulf Cooperation Council summit on Tuesday in Riyadh said that …
Read More »Turkish lira tumbles ahead of key decision on rate cuts, wages
As Turkey’s battered lira pushes to new lows against the dollar, all eyes turn to Thursday’s central bank meeting and critical talks on the minimum wage. Turks woke Monday to watch their currency plunge to 14 against the dollar early in the morning, then go past it to 14.62 until …
Read More »Qatar’s presence in eastern Mediterranean benefits Egypt, Turkey
Qatar is enhancing its presence in the eastern Mediterranean that is rich in oil and gas reserves at a time when tensions are ripping through the region over the maritime borders and excavation rights. Qatar has strengthened its presence in the eastern Mediterranean, which is rich in oil and gas …
Read More »Fatah wins small victory in Palestinian local elections
The slight victory of candidates supporting Fatah in the local council elections appear to have boosted the morale of the Palestinian leadership and opened the door for elections in major cities. Will the Hamas leadership agree to that in Gaza? Ever since his April 31 decision to scrap the legislative …
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