Rawa Yasen, from the northern Iraq city of Ebril, has been living in a forest on the border between Belarus and Latvia for more than a week now. The 19-year-old and his parents are among dozens of people, including babies and children, forced to sleep rough and light fires to …
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Opio, el oro talibán
Lo llamaron “Tempestad de acero”, vigoroso apelativo para describir un operativo militar pretendidamente devastador contra los laboratorios de producción de heroína en manos de los talibanes. Fue en noviembre del 2017 y el Pentágono empleó los últimos adelantos tecnológicos para bombardear las factorías de droga afganas que procesan el opio. …
Read More »«Талібан» може встановити дипломатичні стосунки із західними державами — політолог
Ситуація в столиці Афганістану загострилася після вибухів, скоєних 26 серпня бойовиками терористичної організації «Ісламська держава» поруч з аеропортом Кабула. Розмова з аналітиком Інституту майбутнього Ілією Кусою. Ілія Куса: Можливо, Великобританія буде окремо домовлятися з талібами через Пакистан. Є свої інтереси у Туреччини. Вони не дуже пов’язані з НАТО. Турки з …
Read More »Syrian army bombards rebels in birthplace of uprising – residents
Syria’s military bombarded the last rebel enclave in the southern city of Deraa on Sunday, killing at least six people in one of the deadliest attacks in its siege of the birthplace of the country’s uprising, residents said. The army declined to comment on the reports but said in a …
Read More »Taliban has a package deal with US. Coast is clear for new government in Kabul
The US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan discussed today in an interview with CBS “Face the Nation” the evolving relationship between Washington and the Afghan Taliban. Three things emerge. First, Sullivan disclosed that “over-the-horizon strikes” against the ISIS-K from outside Afghanistan will continue but he ruled out any return to …
Read More »Afghanistan, the great game of smashing countries
As a tsunami of crocodile tears engulfs Western politicians, history is suppressed. More than a generation ago, Afghanistan won its freedom, which the United States, Britain and their “allies” destroyed. In 1978, a liberation movement led by the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) overthrew the dictatorship of Mohammad Dawd, …
Read More »Afghanistan Crisis Must End America’s Empire of War, Corruption and Poverty
Americans have been shocked by videos of thousands of Afghans risking their lives to flee the Taliban’s return to power in their country – and then by an Islamic State suicide bombing and ensuing massacre by U.S. forces that together killed at least 170 people, including 13 U.S. troops. Even …
Read More »France, UK to propose Kabul airport safe zone at UN meeting
Emmanuel Macron says he will put forward plan at UN talks on Monday. France and the U.K. will put forward an emergency U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a safe zone at Kabul airport to allow people to continue to leave Afghanistan, according to Emmanuel Macron. “Our resolution proposal aims …
Read More »France stuck in Sahel despite ‘withdrawal’
French President Emmanuel Macron must be delighted with the headlines. Despite the announcement made on the eve of the G7 Summit, a meeting of the world’s seven leading industrialized democracies, the reality is that France is likely to remain stuck in the sands of West Africa for the foreseeable future. …
Read More »WHO: Health needs rising as Afghanistan humanitarian situation worsens
Expressing concern over deteriorating conditions, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said it needs additional funding of $6.6 million for an “urgent health response” in Afghanistan, Anadolu Agency reports. This comes after the Taliban took control of the war-ravaged country following a rapid advance after the withdrawal of the US …
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