Built and trained at a two-decade cost of $83 billion, Afghan security forces collapsed so quickly and completely — in some cases without a shot fired — that the ultimate beneficiary of the American investment turned out to be the Taliban. They grabbed not only political power but also U.S.-supplied …
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Taliban allowing ‘safe passage’ from Kabul in US airlift
The Taliban have agreed to allow “safe passage” from Afghanistan for civilians struggling to join a U.S.-directed airlift from the capital, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser said Tuesday, although a timetable for completing the evacuation of Americans, Afghan allies and others has yet to be worked out with the …
Read More »Taliban promise women’s rights, security under Islamic rule
The Taliban vowed Tuesday to respect women’s rights, forgive those who fought them and ensure Afghanistan does not become a haven for terrorists as part of a publicity blitz aimed at reassuring world powers and a fearful population. Following a lightning offensive across Afghanistan that saw many cities fall to …
Read More »Daraa Reveals Rift Between Iran and Russia: Syrian Politicians
On Thursday, Syrian politicians said that the recent developments in the city of Daraa, south Syria, reveal political and military disputes between Iran and Russia which are settled by their proxies in the region. Yesterday, cities, towns, and villages in Daraa witnessed a mass strike following a call by local …
Read More »La victoire des talibans, un tournant dans l’ordre mondial
L’offensive des talibans va permettre à la Chine de souligner les contradictions américaines et de se présenter comme la première ligne de défense face aux terrorismes musulmans. « What Went Wrong ? » Dans un court essai, écrit avant les attentats du 11-Septembre, mais publié peu de temps après, l’historien …
Read More »Ein PR-Sieg für den islamistischen Terror
Eine Demütigung für den Westen. Die Schockwellen werden bald Europa erreichen: Durch Flüchtlinge und die Radikalisierung von Islamisten. Ein Kommentar. Christian Böhme Keiner hat sie aufgehalten. Provinz um Provinz, Stadt um Stadt fiel in die Hände der Islamisten. Widerstand? Nicht der Rede wert. Weder die Sicherheitskräfte der afghanischen Regierung noch …
Read More »Afghanistan Is Crumbling, and a Devastated Country Isn’t the Only Thing the U.S. Is Leaving Behind
The United States’ pledge to save Afghan interpreters and workers who helped it since the 2001 invasion seems to have run into a solid wall of American bureaucracy By Monday, Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, may have already fallen to the Taliban. This won’t change much, practically speaking, because they …
Read More »Taliban Enters Kabul, President and Diplomats Flee
Taliban insurgents entered Kabul and President Ashraf Ghani left Afghanistan on Sunday, bringing the Islamist militants close to taking over the country two decades after they were overthrown by a U.S.-led invasion. It was not yet clear where Ghani was headed or how exactly power would be transferred following the …
Read More »Pentagon OKs More Troops for Kabul
U.S. embassy says airport security not stable The Pentagon authorized another 1,000 troops to help evacuate U.S. citizens and Afghans who worked for them from Kabul, a U.S. official said on Sunday, after the embassy warned the security situation at the city’s airport was changing quickly. The official, speaking on …
Read More »Taliban Says the ‘War is Over in Afghanistan’
The spokesman for the Taliban‘s political office told Al-Jazeera Mubasher TV on Sunday that the war is over in Afghanistan and that the type of rule and the form of regime will be clear soon. Spokesman Mohammad Naeem said that no diplomatic body or any of its headquarters was targeted, …
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