
Did Erdogan commit economic suicide by sacking central bank chief?

The predicaments of Turkey’s cash-strapped central bank augur a highly challenging period for Erdogan while reducing the visibility range in Turkey’s economy to almost zero. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s shocking decision to appoint a new central bank governor — the fourth in 20 months — has plunged Turkey’s ailing economy …

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US cooling could help Russia boost ties with Saudi Arabia

While Moscow realizes that it cannot replace the US role in the region, it’s hoping a cooling of ties between Washington and Riyadh will help bolster its own influence. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov paid a visit to Saudi Arabia earlier this month as part of his tour of the …

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Iraq’s Yazidis call for autonomy as conflict flares between army, PKK affiliates

Ongoing tensions due to regional interference to settle scores among rivals threaten new acts of violence, menacing the Yazidi minority concentrated in the area. More than 40 Yazidi community leaders from Sinjar signed a petition on March 13, demanding self-rule in Sinjar, the addition of the Ezidxane Asayish (Security Forces …

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Several dead in northwest Syria fighting

Intense fighting in northwest Syria left several people dead on Sunday as the battle continues over the last rebel stronghold in the country. Russian airstrikes killed one and injured two others near the town of Sarmada in the northwest Idlib province. The strikes hit an industrial facility as well as …

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Libyan commander loyal to Hifter assassinated in Benghazi

Mahmoud al-Werfalli had been indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and was under US and EU sanctions. Unknown gunmen in Benghazi have assassinated a notorious eastern-based commander in Libya who was wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), media news outlets reported on Wednesday. Mahmoud al-Werfalli commanded …

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Latest al-Qassam Brigades publication touts its military advancements

The military wing of the Hamas movement, al-Qassam Brigades, recently published a statement of its “evolution of military tactics” including the “development and accumulation of strength since 2006.” The publication allows a glimpse into the growing military capabilities of the militant group that has benefited highly from Iranian military support. …

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The Syrian revolution on its 10th anniversary: No regrets, but longing for its early days

“We dared to dream, and we will not regret dignity.” This quote was widely circulated by Syrian social media users, mainly on Facebook, in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the Syrian revolution. The phrase was originally embroidered on the dress worn by the Syrian activist and Oscar-nominated director of …

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Turkey captures top Syrian Kurdish commander: Report

Turkish intelligence agents have captured a senior figure from a US-backed Kurdish militant group operating in Syria. State news agency Anadolu reported on Monday that Ibrahim Babat, a “brigade commander” from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), was caught during an operation inside Syria and brought back to Turkey.

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IRGC’s naval force unveils new missile site, hosting ballistic, cruise missiles

The naval force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has unveiled a new strategic missile site at an undisclosed location, which hosts various types of advanced ballistic and cruise missiles. The site was unveiled on Monday during a ceremony attended by the IRGC’s Chief Commander Major General Hossein Salami, …

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Lukashenko Still Crushes Belarus

Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus since he came into power in 1994, has cracked down violently on the still-ongoing protests in which police have detained more than 33,000 people. Belarus “is not a member of the Council of Europe – it still has the death penalty which is an automatic …

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