
US, EU-3 move toward Israel on Iran – but is it far enough?

If Iran can legally get to the nuclear weapon threshold with no limits in 2030, then the whole game could eventually be up. The joint US-EU-3 (Britain, France and Germany) statement issued on Thursday night moved both major parties closer to Israel in their positions on Iran in significant ways. …

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Russia Appoints New Tartous Port Manager

The Russian-run port of Tartous will receive its fourth director within a year, writes Al-Souria Net. A Russian company has appointed a new manager for the port of Tartous, in which it is a major investor. Gaysin Iirat Raivatovic will be the fourth director within the span of a year, …

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Russian Deputy Defense Minister Discusses With Pedersen Situation In Syria

Russia and the UN have discussed the strategy to create normal living conditions in Syria, writes SANA. Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin has met with UN Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen. “The two sides exchanged points of view on the situation in Syria within the framework of the …

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Syrian Government Continues Targeting Opposition In Syria’s Northwest

Regime forces have restarted bombing Turkish-backed militias in Idleb, reports North Press. On Thursday, Syrian government forces renewed their ground bombardment on the posts of the Turkish-backed armed opposition groups, south of Idleb, after the region witnessed a relative calm for the last 48 hours.

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Syrian desert | Squadron of Russian jets pound desert with dozens of airstrikes, and ISIS targets pro-Iranian militias in southern Al-Mayadeen

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has monitored Russian flying over the Syrian desert, after suspension of aerial operations for more than 48 hours. Where six Russian jets executed more than 40 airstrikes since the morning, targeting ISIS positions in the desert of Deir ez-Zor and the Aleppo-Hama-Raqqa triangle. Meanwhile, …

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Cities and towns of eastern Ghouta | Iranians expand their influence purchasing real estate, and regime confiscates hundreds of properties by “provisional seizure” decision

SOHR sources from inside eastern Ghouta say that members of the branch “277”, known as “Military Security”, have seized hundreds of apartments, shops and farms again in several areas in eastern Ghouta, under the decision of “provisional seizure.”

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Lebanon and Syria: A Complicated Relationship between Energy and Geopolitics

Syria continues to offer the ground where Russia and the United States compete over control of oil and gas fields and the transportation routes that bring energy to consumers. Russia seeks to expand its energy footprint in Syria to build influence over rebel-controlled areas in Northeast Syria that are backed …

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ISIS resurgrnce | Cells target SDF military patrol, east of Deir ez-Zor

SOHR sources say that gunmen, believed to be ISIS cells, targeted with machine guns a military patrol of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the village of Al-Zar in eastern rural Deir al-Zour, but no casualties have been reported so far. Yesterday, Syrian Observatory activists documented the death of an SDF …

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US Reporter Held by Al-Qaeda-Linked Group in Syria Released

An American journalist, living in northwestern Syria for nearly a decade, has been released, six months after he was captured by an al-Qaeda-linked militant group, Syrian opposition media reported. Bilal Abdul Kareem, a native of Mount Vernon, N.Y., has been living in the rebel-held Syrian northwest since 2012, reporting on …

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Syrian Badia.. Russian aircrafts launch intense raids on ISIS sites

The intense activity of ISIS mercenaries comes in the absence of Russian warplanes for more than 48 hours from bombing the Badia, while helicopters and warplanes of the Damascus government carried out about ten air strikes in the past 48 hours. In a related context, the Syrian Observatory for Human …

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