
Skopje: Differences Resolved in European Spirit

Differences between two European countries should be settled through mutual understanding and respect, Macedonia’s deputy premier Vasko Naumovski said Wednesday, referring to his country’s row with Greece. While this week’s EU Council meeting did not give Macedonia a desired start date for accession negotiations, the meeting clearly demonstrated that Macedonia …

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Manipulacije invalidima

Osobe s invaliditetom u BiH moraju imati najveći mogući stepen zaštite i osigurana jednaka prava kao i svi ostali građani. UN-ova konvencija o pravima osoba s invaliditetom trebala bi pomoći u uspostavljanju sistema koji će olakšati život pripadnicima ove populacije i zato je njena ratifikacija poželjan i ohrabrujući potez.

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German delegation holds consultations in Georgia

A German delegation is holding official consultations in Georgia. According to the German Embassy to Tbilisi, the reform from the German Economic Cooperation and Development Ministry is visiting to Georgia to holds consultations with the government.

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Vllasi to be Kosovo Ambassador to Podgorica

Azem Vllasi will be the first Kosovo ambassador to Montenengro, media report, once Podgorica establishes diplomatic relations with the country. The Tanjug news agency said Vllasi could not specify when he will be officially nominated, adding that it is not diplomatic practice to speak about such details until he gets …

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Bulgaria Pipeline Delayed for 18 Months

The construction of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline in Bulgaria will not start within the next 18 months, until Bulgaria’s Environment Ministry has prepared an environmental impact assessment on the project. The pipeline is planned to transport Russian and Caspian oil from the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Burgas to the …

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Electoral uncertainty will not worsen Moldova’s relations with IMF or EU, Moldovan premier Filat says

The upset presidential election will not spoil Moldova’s relations with the European Union or the International Monetary Fund, Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat stated to the press on Monday night. Filat explained he had reached an agreement with the EU, and election or non-election of president in Moldova would not …

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Italian FM Franco Frattini: “Time for Belgrade to apply for EU”

The time has come for Belgrade to apply for EU membership, and the application should be submitted “before Christmas”, Italy’s FM Franco Frattini says. Frattini told the press that Serbia was on a path towards EU accession, adding that he hoped it would happen within a reasonable amount of time. …

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Serbian FM meets British counterpart

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband showed support for the progress Belgrade has made in cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, said reports. “I stressed that Britain supports Serbia’s progress towards EU membership and the completion of the necessary conditions. Great Britain and Serbia share a vision of EU member for the …

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