
PLD va cere sesiune extraordinară pentru bugetul din 2008

PLD cere convocarea unei sesiuni extraordinare a Parlamentului în care Guvernul să prezinte proiectul bugetului pe 2008 pentru a clarifica odată problema pensiilor şi nu în ultimul rând a votului uninominal, a declarat, la Constanţa, preşedintele executiv al partidului, Gheorghe Flutur.

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Remains of 28 identified victims of 1974 Cyprus violence buried

The remains of 28 victims from the 1974 Cyprus conflict were buried on Thursday (July 12th) in separate ceremonies in the northern Turkish and southern Greek part of the island. The DNA analysis identified 13 Cypriot Turks and 15 Cypriot Greeks whose remains were found earlier this month in mass …

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France says Ahtisaari plan still foundation for Kosovo’s future status

If renewed negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo Albanian leaders regarding Kosovo’s future status fail to bear fruit, former UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari’s plan eventually will be implemented, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner indicated on Thursday (July 12th) following a meeting with Serbian counterpart Vuk Jeremic in Belgrade.

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Turkish Armed Forces recruit “professional commandos”

The Turkish Armed Forces have begun to recruit “professional commandos” as part of a new plan to combat the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The military expects to recruit around 10,000 soldiers, who will be given special training to fight terrorists in mountainous areas.

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