A bomb exploded in a busy market area of Athgaon, Guwahati killing 7 people and injuring almost 30. ULFA, the banned outfit, seems to be behind the deadly blast which created panic across the city. Police officials are already probing an enquiry into the blast.
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U.S. Official: Russia’s Ties with Neighbors Issue of Concern
Russia’s relations with its neighbors remain “an issue of considerable concern” as Russia often approaches them “with a zero-sum mentality, particularly when it comes to those countries, such as Georgia and Ukraine,” Daniel Fried, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs said on May 24.
Read More »Fighting resumes in Lebanon
Fighting between the Lebanese military and Muslim fighters at a Palestinian refugee camp has continued into a fourth day, with renewed gunfire reported in the evening. The fighting has left scores dead, destroyed houses and triggered a flood of refugees from the camp.
Read More »Egypt approves new political party
CAIRO (AFP) – Egypt approved on Thursday the formation of a new liberal political party headed by a former member of President Hosni Mubarak’s ruling National Democratic Party (NDP).
Read More »Egypt hosts Palestinian factions Sunday
Egypt is to play host to Palestinian factions on Sunday, in a bid to cement a fragile ceasefire between President Mahmud Abbas’s Fatah group and the Islamist Hamas group, the official MENA agency reported.
Read More »Egypt asks Libya for stay of executions
CAIRO (Reuters) – Libya has agreed to postpone the execution of an Egyptian man who was due to die on Sunday, after Egypt asked Tripoli to allow more time in that and nine other cases, the Egyptian state news agency MENA said on Saturday.
Read More »U.N. peacekeeper killed in Darfur
KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — A U.N. peacekeeper was killed in Darfur, the first U.N. casualty since the world body began sending small reinforcements to a beleaguered African Union force deployed in the violent western Sudan region, the AU and the United Nations said Saturday.
Read More »Negocierile dintre IuÅŸcenko ÅŸi Ianukovici vor continua astăzi
Negocierile între preÅŸedintele ucrainean, pro-occidentalul Viktor IuÅŸcenko, ÅŸi premierul pro-rus, Viktor Ianukovici, vor continua în cursul zilei de astăzi, a anunÅ£at purtătorul de cuvânt al preÅŸedinÅ£iei de la Kiev, citat de France Presse. AnunÅ£ul a venit la capătul unei prime runde de discuÅ£ii, desfăşurate aseară, care a avut ca subiect …
Read More »Se pregăteÅŸte o nouă rezoluÅ£ie
Consiliul de Securitate al ONU va vota miercuri un proiect de rezoluţie care instituie tribunalul internaţional pentru judecarea presupuşilor asasini ai fostului premier libanez anti-sirian Rafik al-Hariri.
Read More »Emil Boc va propune PD iniÅ£ierea unei moÅ£iuni la adresa Cabinetului Tăriceanu
Emil Boc a anunţat, aseară, că va propune la şedinţa de luni a Biroului Permanent Naţional al PD iniţierea unei moţiuni de cenzură, pentru că, în opinia sa, premierul Tăriceanu trebuie să plece odată ce a pledat pentru demiterea preşedintelui Băsescu, iar referendumul a fost un eşec.
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