
PSD ameninţă guvernul cu moţiunea de cenzură

Liderii PSD au lansat, vineri, critici la adresa premierului Tăriceanu. În opinia lor şi primul-ministru ar trebui să organizeze o rundă de consultări cu partidele parlamentare, pentru a asigura susţinere parlamentară pentru proiectele Guvernului. În caz contrar, social-democraţii ameninţă cu iniţierea unei moţiuni de cenzură împotriva Cabinetului Tăriceanu.

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Băsescu a pledat la Brno pentru integrarea Moldovei în UE

Aflat la cel de-al 14-lea summit al ÅŸefilor de stat din centrul Europei, care s-a desfăşurat la Brno, preÅŸedintele Traian Băsescu a cerut solidarizarea statelor europene pentru limitarea ambiÅ£iilor monopoliste în ceea ce priveÅŸte alimentarea cu energie. ÃŽn plus, preÅŸedintele Băsescu a pledat pentru ca Republica Moldova să intre în …

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Cross-border operation gains currency in capital

The idea of launching a military operation into northern Iraq, where thousands of members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) have found a safe haven, has taken center stage in recent debates over how to eliminate the terrorist threat, the worst manifestations of which the Turkish public has dealt …

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Serbian war criminal escapes from jail

Radovan Stankovic, a convicted Bosnian Serb war criminal escaped from jail in eastern Bosnian town of Foca on Friday. Stankovic was sentenced in November 2006 to 16 years in prison for his part in the war crimes committed against the Bosnian Muslims between 1992-95 by Christian Serbian invaders and terrorists’ …

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Lebanon gets US aid for camp battle

US air force planes have delivered military equipment to the Lebanese army, a Western diplomat and security officials have said.  The Lebanese government had requested more military aid from Washington after the eruption of fighting between the army and the Fatah al-Islam group in a Palestinian refugee camp in the …

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Romania’s Basescu urges all parties to tackle issues of national interest

BUCHAREST, Romania — President Traian Basescu invited all parties in Parliament and groups representing minorities to begin discussing issues of national interest on Thursday (May 24th). He said a meeting will be held on Monday to discuss changing elections-related legislation and introducing a majority voting system, amending the constitution and …

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EU’s Rehn urges Albanian political parties to find consensus president

BRUSSELS, Belgium — EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn met with Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha in Brussels on Thursday (May 24th) and said that the various political parties must find a presidential candidate all can support, while working together on electoral reform. Berisha agreed, saying, “It is possible to choose …

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Turkey’s Erdogan says he’ll back military request for Iraqi incursion

ANKARA, Turkey — Speaking to reporters Thursday (May 24th), Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan reaffirmed government support for the military if it decides to launch a cross-border operation against the terrorist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in northern Iraq. Erdogan said he is confident that Parliament would back it as well, …

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Albania — to live in or dream of from afar?

Albanian bloggers are divided over the state of affairs in Albania. Many claim that the campaign for the return of the diaspora is not doing much, while others think corruption is a real obstacle to investment and the return of Albanian emigrants. Clearly, the mixed reviews show a country in …

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Croatian diplomat to lead new Regional Co-operation Council

During the Southeastern Europe Co-operation Process (SEECP) meeting in Zagreb earlier this month, regional foreign ministers tapped Croatian Deputy Foreign Minister Hido Biscevic as the first secretary-general of the new Regional Co-operation Council (RCC) that will be based in Sarajevo.

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