
Venezuela Views Iran as Trustworthy Partner

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro Moros, in a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki in Caracas on Friday, described Iran as a trustworthy partner and friend, and voiced preparedness of Latin American states to develop ties with Iran.

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Iran Protests at British Judge Verdict on Former Diplomat

Iranian foreign ministry here on Friday voiced its strong protest at a recent court ruling issued by a British judge for the extradition of a former Iranian diplomat to the US on charges of the purchase of a number of night-vision binoculars.

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Iran, razboiul secret

Statele Unite si Marea Britanie se afla deja intr-un razboi nedeclarat cu Iranul” – avertizeaza Scott Ritter, fostul inspector ONU devenit celebru pentru ca, inainte de invazia americana din Irak, a dezmintit teoriile Administratiei Bush cu privire la arsenalul neconventional al Bagdadului.

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