
Iran To Launch Large-Scale Military Maneuvers

  Iran’s state television today said the military would launch a series of large-scale exercises on August 19. State television quoted army deputy commander General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani as saying that the upcoming maneuvers “aim at introducing Iran’s new defensive

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Central Asia: Security Services Take On Religious Dissent

Rafiq Qori Kamoluddin, the prominent ethnic Uzbek religious leader who was killed during a security raid in southern Kyrgyzstan on August 6, is not the first imam to have been targeted by law-enforcement agencies in the region. Several other Uzbek imams have been persecuted before. But he is the first …

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Former Yukos Employee Jailed For 24 Years

August 17, 2006 — The Moscow city court has sentenced the former head of security at the bankrupt oil firm Yukos to 24 years in prison for a series of contract killings. Aleksei Pichugin is already serving a 20-year sentence on charges of organizing several murders,

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Amed’s Mayor: Only dialogue has not been used to solve Kurdish issue

Amed-Kurdistan (KurdishMedia.com) 15 August 2006: Osman Baydemir is the mayor of Amed (Diyarbakir), the largest city in northern (Turkish) Kurdistan. A veteran human rights activist and lawyer by training, Mr. Baydemir is a representative of the Democratic Society Party (DTP). He is perhaps the most prominent Kurdish politician in Turkey,

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The GDP of Kurdistan

Recently, the president of the Kurdistan Development Corporation and the representative of the symbolically united government of Southern Kurdistan appeared on NBC-Canada, advertising the “friendly” environment of Kurdistan for investments.

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