Eurasia News

Moldova: Communists applauding to referendum failure

The opposition Moldovan Communist Party (MCP) expressed satisfaction over the September 5 constitutional referendum failure. MCP leader and Moldova’s former president [2001-2009] Vladimir Voronin stated to journalists last midnight, “The ruling Alliance for European Integration has received the result it deserves. Their power-usurpation actions and unwillingness to dissolve the Parliament …

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Polonian FM in visit to Romania

Polonian foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski is visiting Romania for meetings with Romanian foreign minister Teodor Baconschi for talks on bilateral issues and European Union issues. “Talks will centre on regional

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Moldova referendum fails due to low turnout: results

The constitutional referendum held Sunday on directly electing the Moldovan president was declared invalid after turnout fell short of the 33 percent minimum required, official results showed. “The provisional turnout figure of 29.67 percent is representative of the results and is considered quasi-final,” the head of the Central Election Commission …

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Moldovan ruling coalition confident of referendum’s success

Moldova’s Acting President Mihai Ghimpu said on Sunday he was convinced Moldovans would go to the polls and end the country’s political deadlock. Moldova held the first-ever referendum Sunday to decide whether the country would transfer the power of electing a president from parliament consent to popular votes.

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