Eurasia News

Moldova formulates proposals for EU Strategy for Danube Region

Moldova’s Government approved Moldova’s proposals for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. According to Minister of State Victor Bodiu, non-EU member states that can contribute to the region’s development by implementing EU projects were invited to take part in working out the strategy.

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Moscova promite sa reia sprijinul financiar acordat Transnistriei

Rusia va restabili ajutorul financiar pentru Transnistria luna viitoare si acesta va fi acordat in continuare, a dat asigurari miercuri, la Chisinau, ministrul adjunct rus de externe Grigori Karasin, intr-o declaratie de presa pentru jurnalistii rusi, la incheierea vizitei sale in Republica Moldova. “Acest ajutor este acordat regiunii, unde traiesc …

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Turkish, Greek Cypriot leaders discuss property issue

President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu met on Wednesday (July 28th) as part of ongoing talks to reunify the divided island. The two officials discussed the issue of property, involving numerous complex claims between the two sides concerning property seized decades ago. The UN Secretary-General’s special adviser …

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