Eurasia News

Macedonian Foreign Minister to meet EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule today

Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milsoski is set to meet EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule in Brussels on Tuesday. Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed that their meeting will focus on fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria for membership ahead of the

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Greek Prime Minister reiterates Greece will not leave eurozone

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou reiterated on Sunday (June 27th) that nobody has put the issue of Greece leaving the eurozone on the table. In an interview with the BBC, Papandreou said that Athens has taken all necessary measures to avoid this option, and the fact that an EU/IMF mechanism …

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Eroglu predicts Cypriot reunification deal this year

Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu said on Sunday (June 27th) that talks to reunify the divided island could lead to a deal by the end of the year. This would require the Greek Cypriot side to demonstrate that it wants to meet the target, Eroglu told the Anadolu news agency …

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Baconschi catre Westerwelle: Interesul Germaniei ar putea face din R.Moldova o poveste de succes

Ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Teodor Baconschi, a declarat vineri, la Bucuresti, in timpul vizitei omologului sau german, Guido Westerwelle, ca Romania doreste sa primeasca “confirmarea interesului Germaniei pentru Strategia UE a Dunarii si pentru a face din Republica Moldova o poveste de succes a Parteneriatului Estic”. “Daca trupele rusesti de acolo …

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Regional summit held without Belgrade

The regional summit held near Prizren, at which the presidents of Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro were in attendance, focused mainly on free travel. Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu said that there is an initiative for forming a mini-Schengen zone for free movement throughout the Balkans.

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