Eurasia News

Inzko on Srebrenica declaration

By adopting the Srebrenica declaration, Serbia has shown its “European face”, says High International Representative in Bosnia Valentin Inzko. “The adoption of this document has a key importance for the process of reconciliation in the whole region. This is a very important step for Serbia, a hard one, but necessary,” …

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EU commissioner on integrations and Kosovo

“EU integrations and Kosovo are separate issues, but bilateral matters should be solved in parallel with the EU integrations process,” says Stefan Fuele. The EU enlargement commissioner said that any country intent on joining the EU must “demonstrate that it has good relations with its neighbors, based on cooperation, tolerance, …

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ICO’s Feith opposes Belgrade elections in northern Kosovo

International Civilian Office (ICO) chief Pieter Feith opposes Belgrade’s plan to organise elections in Serb-dominated northern Kosovo. In an interview with Deutsche Welle on Wednesday (March 31st), Feith said the ICO would only recognise the results of elections organised by Pristina. He added that opening an EU office in Serb-dominated …

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Barack Obama se intalneste cu Traian Basescu la Praga

Presedintele american se va intalni la Praga cu liderii din mai multe tari din Europa Centrala, in cadrul ceremoniei de semnare a noului acord START, programata pentru data de 8 aprilie, informeaza agentia CTK, citata de Mediafax. Liderul de la Casa Alba va avea o intrevedere cu presedintele Romaniei si …

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Moldova- Republic’s Day becomes again Independence Day

Moldova’s Government Thursday approved modifications to article 111 of the Labor Code, replacing the phrase “August 27 – the Republic’s Day” with “August 27 – the Republic’s Independence Day”. According to Moldova’s Minister of Labor, Social Protection and Family Valentina Buliga, this way the holiday will regain its true historical …

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Muslim leader rejects Srebrenica declaration

Islamic Community in Serbia Chief Mufti Muamer Zukorlić has rejected the Srebrenica declaration adopted by parliament as “inadequate, useless and disparaging”. “On behalf of Bosniaks (Muslims) and all humane people I reject the declaration condemning the crime in Srebrenica which was adopted by the Serbian parliament,” Zukorlić declared in Novi …

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Brammertz on arrests of Hague fugitives

Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz says that report on Serbia’s cooperation will be finished in the second half of May. However, he stated that at this point, he did not know what the assessment would be. “The fact that the previous report was positive does not mean that the next …

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Russian First Deputy Prime Minister: Russia welcomes Moldova’s aspirations for European integration

Russia welcomes Moldova’s plans to join the European Union and maintain good relations with the CIS member states, said Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, who met with Premier Vlad Filat and Acting President Mihai Ghimpu in Chisinau on March 31.

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