Eurasia News

Kosovo working on EU questionnaire

The government wants the questionnaire on trade with EU countries to be sent to the bloc no later than April 7th, Prime Minister Hashim Thaci told a cabinet meeting Monday (March 22nd). Thaci added that the questionnaire from the EC is significant, as it includes many elements of the Stabilisation …

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BiH detains war crimes suspect

Members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) arrested a former Bosnian Muslim commander Monday (March 22nd) for war crimes committed against Croatian civilians and prisoners of war during the 1992-1995 conflict. Hasan Hakalovic, 63, commanded a unit operating in the village of Trusina and allegedly failed to punish …

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Greek Cypriot archbishop visits Turkish-run north

Greek Cypriot Archbishop Chrysostomos II arrived in the Turkish dominated northern part of Cyprus on Monday (March 22nd), the first such visit since 1974, when the island was separated into Turkish-dominated north and Greek-dominated south. Chrysostomos II is trying to gain support for the restoration of an ancient monastery

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Bulgaria- SJC describes EC interim report as objective

The Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) describes the European Commission’s interim report on Bulgaria’s progress in the cooperation and verification mechanism as objective, realistic and proper, the SJC press center announced. SJC’s practice to monitor the high-profile cases is assessed positively. The Council is certain that more insistent measures and recommendations …

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Guvernul de la Kiev protejeaza minoritatea rusa. Romanii raman pe dinafara

Romanii din Ucraina raman in afara preocuparii Guvernului de la Kiev care promite imbunatatirea educatiei in limba rusa, lasand deoparte scolile romanesti din Bucovina de Nord. Ministrul ucrainean al Educatiei, Dmitrii Tabachnik (foto) a anuntat ca va incepe o serie de reforme in invatamant. Printre aceste reforme se numara si …

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Swedish Foreign Minister: EU conference in Sarajevo must succeed

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said the EU must secure attendances of all countries of the Western Balkans at the Sarajevo conference in June and bring concrete results. The Western Balkan conference in Slovenia showed that the region is capable to undertake initiative, FM Bildt told Deutsche Welle, pointing out …

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Kosovo Reports on Trade Relations with the EU

Kosovo’s government has created an inter-ministerial council to complete a questionnaire on trade relations with the EU. The council is led by the minister of trade and industry, Lutfi Zharku. Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci asked the members of the council on Monday to have the answers ready by April …

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