Eurasia News

BiH charges former commander with Srebrenica crimes

BiH Prosecutors charged a former Special Forces commander on Saturday over his alleged role in the July 1995 Srebrenica massacre. Nedjo Ikonic, 46, was accused in connection with the detention and killing of Muslim prisoners of war who were caught as they tried to escape Srebrenica. According to the indictment, …

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Macedonian FM: Progress in name issue depends on Macedonia and Greece

Progress in name dispute between Macedonia and Greece depends on the efforts made by the two countries. Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki made the remarks, adding that Republic of Macedonia is giving its outmost, while Greece hasn’t given any signal sides in the last 18 years for finding a name …

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Croatian President to pay his first official visit to Slovenia

Croatian President Ivo Josipovic will pay his first official visit to Slovenia on Friday. Croatian President Josipovic is slated to meet with his Slovenian counterpart Danilo Tuerk, Speaker of the Parliament Pavel Gantar, Prime Minister Borut Pahor, Ljubljana’s mayor Zoran Jankovic as well as representatives of Croatian community in Slovenia. …

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Serbian Interior Minister to visit Macedonia

Serbia’s Interior Minister Ivica Dacic will pay official visit to Macedonia on Friday. Serbian Minister will meet his Macedonian counterpart Gordana Jankulovska and discuss on police cooperation between the two countries. The two ministers will also discuss the asylum-seekers problem, which started after the visa liberalization.

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Moldova – Vladimir Voronin says PCRM will find 350,000 signatures needed to hold referendum

The president of the Moldova’s Communists Party (PCRM), former head of state Vladimir Voronin accuses the Alliance for European Integration of establishing a dictatorial regime. He said the PCRM will not cooperate with it from now on and started to collect signatures to hold a referendum

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Consiliul Europei i-a cerut Ungariei sa protejeze si sa promoveze limba romana

Consiliul Europei i-a recomandat Ungariei sa elaboreze o strategie pe termen lung pentru protejarea si promovarea limbilor minoritatilor, intre care si romana, transmite Radio Romania Actualitati. Intr-un raport publicat la Strasbourg, Consiliul Europei mai cere Ungariei sa creeze scoli bilingve la toate nivelurile de educatie. Forul european solicita totodata Ungariei …

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Moldova’s communists to boycott parliament in protest

Moldova’s communists announced on Wednesday that they will boycott parliament to protest against the governing liberal coalition’s decision to hold a referendum on changing the constitution in a bid to avoid early elections.

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New War Crime Indictment in Belgrade

The Prosecution in Belgrade has indicted Darko Radivoje, nicknamed Gurgula, for war crimes committed in 1991 in Croatia. According to the indictment, Radivoje, 41, was a member of the Territorial defence in Tenja, Croatia who fought alongside Serb forces during the war.

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