Eurasia News

Brussels says Bulgaria still lags with EU funds absorption

In its first five months in office, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov’s Government has paid more monies under the EU’s operational programmes than its predecessor did in two and a half years. However, the European Commission (EC) is still not satisfied with pace of absorption of European financing, the Commission’s …

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Macedonia “Name” Solution In Stages Unlikely

Greece has rejected an idea put forward by Macedonian parliamentarian Pavle Trajanov for a three stage solution to the Athens-Skopje name dispute, Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said on Thursday. “Trajanov’s proposal is probably well intended and I greet it, but judging by the talks that I had with Greece …

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Tadic May Rebuff Croatia President’s Inauguration

Serbian President Boris Tadic has announced that he will not attend the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected Croatian President, Ivo Josipovic, if Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiju is attends too. Tadic believes that his presence at the ceremony, which is scheduled for 18 February, would mean that Serbia is indirectly …

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Bosnian Serbs Firm Against Srebrenica Resolution

One year after the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning and commemorating the genocide committed in Srebrenica in 1995, politicians in Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity of Republika Srpska remain reluctant to consider taking a similar move. Serbia’s President Boris Tadic is urging Serbia’s Parliament to adopt a resolution condemning the massacre, …

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South Stream’s implementation might prove to be groundless, says Ukrainian ambassador to Bulgaria

Viktor Kalnik, Ambassador of Ukraine to Bulgaria, said that a second gas crisis could not be expected, as Ukraine and Russia had successfully negotiated the gas transit tariffs. He emphasized that in the end it was proved Ukraine never

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Bulgarian and Greek Prime Ministers to officially open the Zlatograd – Thermes border checkpoint today

The Prime Ministers of Bulgaria and Greece – Boyko Borisov and Georgios Papandreou will officially open the Zlatograd – Thermes border checkpoint today. Deputy Ministers of foreign affairs of the two countries – Dimitris Drutsas and Marin Raykov, signed the agreement for the opening of the checkpoint, on January 11 …

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Chisinau Government ordered the removal of barbed wire from the Moldo-Romanian borders

The barbed wire from the Prut River, that separates the Moldo-Romanian borders, will be removed till the beginning of March. The barbed wire will have to be removed by the employees of the Frontier Guard Service and local authorities. These EOD supplies will disappear from sector of the border guard …

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EU visa center issues visas to two new countries – Greece And the Netherlands

The EU Visa Center, operating under the auspices of the Embassy of Hungary in Chisinau, has commenced issuing entry visas to Greece and the Netherlands. Ambassador Gyorgy Varga said that last year the number of visa seekers diminished. The Center provided services to 8.013 applicants, of which 13% applications were …

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Former czech negotiator visiting Moldova

The former Chief Negotiator for the Czech Republic’s accession to the European Union, the first Czech European Commissar in the Romano Prodi Cabinet, Pavel Telicka, has arrived for a three-day visit to Moldova on Wednesday. Association for External Policy (APE), which is realizing in Moldova a project of using other …

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