Eurasia News

Serbian President Tadić: Parliament must adopt Srebrenica resolution

Serbian President Boris Tadić said that even though a majority of the public won’t support it, the parliament must adopt a resolution condemning the Srebrenica crimes. “Politicians are the ones who must be capable of taking responsibility for such a political decision as well, because the citizens vote for them in …

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Deputy foreign ministers of Greece and Bulgaria to sign agreement on Zlatograd-Termes border checkpoint

Deputy foreign ministers of Greece Dimitris Drutsas and Bulgarian Marin Raykov will sign an agreement for the operation of Zlatograd-Termes border chewckpoint. Drutsas and Raikov will sign the document in the building of the Greek Foreign Ministry. Working lunch will follow. In late October 2009 the prime ministers of both …

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Zbogar: Western Balkan countries to join EU by 2014

Instead of partly contra-productive and declarative support for future Western Balkans EU membership, EU should set a time framework for the Western Balkans’ EU entry, Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar said. He added that the region had took great efforts and made certain progress since the summit in Zagreb and …

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Georgia to host energy security summit next week

A high-profile summit on energy security will be held next week in Batumi, Georgia to discuss energy delivery from the Caspian Basin to world markets. The Jan. 14 summit also was to include discussions of energy security, the development of the South Caucasus energy corridor and other issues of mutual …

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Europe can lose part of Azerbaijani gas

In 2010, Azerbaijan will produce over 28 billion cubic meters of gas, the republic will have free volume of fuel for export. Along with the traditional markets of gas sale such as Georgia and Turkey, this year Azerbaijan starts supplying gas to new markets – Russia and Iran. Next week …

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Kosovo sends aid to Albania

The Kosovo government will send EUR 200,000 of aid to Albania to help cope with problems resulting from recent flooding. Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said that ’’this is only the start of aid for the brotherly nation and state of Albania.“ Along with the financial help, the government decided …

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Greece to improve its stability program after Brussels’ recommendations

Greece will improve its stability program, measures, which have to strengthen the economy in compliance with the recommendations of European representatives, which have visited the country over the last three days. The financial minister George Papaconstantinou announced the intention of the Greek Parliament to present before Brussels a concrete and …

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