Eurasia News

Libyan peace talks resume

Libya’s warring factions will resume the UN-sponsored talks on March 11 in Morocco after a three-day peace dialogue was paused on Saturday, theUnited NationsSupport Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) said in a statement on Sunday. A three-day UN-sponsored dialogue between Libya’s warring factions held here was paused on Saturday, allowing time …

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Tunisian security forces capture arms haul near Libyan border

Tunisian security forces on Monday uncovered a second arms cache in three days near the border with Libya, the interior ministry said. “As part of ongoing operations against terrorist cells and their members… [security forces] have discovered a new weapons cache 15km from Ben Guerdane” in the southeast, it said.

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Spain neutralised Islamic cell in Ceuta, its North African enclave

Spain said on Tuesday it has dismantled a militant Islamic cell in its North African enclave of Ceuta that it claims was ready to attack either Spain or other targets in Europe. Police arrested two suspected militants as part of a wider security operation that began in January, the Interior …

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Egyptian checkpoint attacked by Islamic militants in north Sinai

Islamic militants attacked an army checkpoint in northern Sinai near the border with Gaza early on Wednesday, killing an officer, officials said. The attack came as Egypt’s Islamic State affiliate, which is based in the restive peninsula, claimed responsibility for two attacks the previous day.

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NATO calls for total OSCE access in eastern Ukraine

NATO demanded March 11 that the OSCE be given full access to verify the withdrawal of heavy weapons in eastern Ukraine and called again on Russia to end support for the separatists. The condition that both Ukraine and pro-Russian rebel forces pull back heavy weapons is a key element in a February 12 Minsk ceasefire accord …

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Kerry calls for updated US war powers to fight IS

Secretary of State John Kerry urged lawmakers Wednesday to give President Barack Obama updated war powers to go after Islamic jihadists at “a pivotal hour” in the battle against the militants. “Our nation is strongest when we act together — and we simply cannot allow this collection of murderers and …

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France vows to continue support to rebuild Afghanistan

In a meeting with Nasir Ahmad Durrani, the Rural Rehabilitation and Development Minister, Jean-Michel Marlaud, the French ambassador to Afghanistan said that his country has a long standing relationship with Afghanistan and will continue to help the Afghans by fully cooperating with the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation (MRRD) in their …

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NATO kicks off naval drills in the Black Sea

NATO’s Black Sea members Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey joined four other alliance states in a multinational naval exercise on March 10 just across the water from the Crimean Peninsula annexed by Russia last year. The naval rapid reaction force in the Black Sea drills consists of a United States flagship, the guided missile cruiser  USS Vicksburg, …

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Chad, Niger soldiers succed to drive Boko Haram out of some Nigerian cities

About 15 soldiers from Chad and Niger died in fighting to take control of two towns in northern Nigeria from Boko Haram, the first gains against the militants in a joint offensive launched at the weekend, military sources said on Monday. About 30 Nigerien and Chadian soldiers were wounded in …

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