Eurasia News

EU to impose sanctions on Ukrainian officials

European Union has taken a decision to impose restrictions on the issuance of travel visas to the Ukrainian officials, whom it deems responsible for the use of violence in Ukraine, Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said. 

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Russia sends envoy to Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin is sending an envoy to Ukraine at the request of President Viktor Yanukovich, to try to mediate talks between the government and opposition, Russian news agencies said on Thursday.

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Kiev mayor quits Yanukovich party

The head of Kiev’s city administration quit the party of President Viktor Yanukovich on Thursday in protest at the bloodshed on the streets of the Ukrainian capital – a sign the head of state may be losing support.

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Biden condemns Kiev violence

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has expressed “grave concern” over escalation in violence in Kiev and called on Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to pull back security forces and exercise maximum restraint.

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