Eurasia News

Egypt Brotherhood leader to stand trial in December

Former top leader of Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Badie and other14 senior officials would stand trial on Dec. 9, over charges of inciting violence and killing protesters in July, an Egyptian court said on Sunday.

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Syrian opposition agrees to participate in Geneva II

The Syrian opposition coalition has conditionally agreed to attend Geneva II conference designed to end the country’s bloody confict, a statement reaching here said on Monday. “A consensus has been reached among the coalition members about the need to take part in the Geneva II conference,” the Syrian National Coalition …

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Russian Foreign and Defence Ministers to visit Egypt

Russia’s foreign and defence ministers will travel to Cairo next week for joint talks with their Egyptian counterparts about weapons sales and political relations, a Russian official said on Friday. Moscow’s foreign ministry spokesman said the “2+2” talks will be held on Wednesday and Thursday and for the first time …

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Serbia, Bosnia sign deal on security

The Serbian government and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia-Herzegovina signed in Belgrade on Thursday a security agreement. The deal will allow for “an even better cooperation between the two countries in the battle against crime and in raising the level of their economic cooperation,” it was announced.

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Serbian President meets CoE President

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić met on Thursday in Belgrade with Secretary General of the Council of Europe (CoE) Thorbjorn Jagland. Nikolić said during the meeting that “Serbia is making moves in the right direction” and that he “sees no reason why it should continue to be under any form of …

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Egypt to hold parliamentary vote early next year

Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy said on Friday that parliamentary elections would be held “between February and March”, to be followed by a presidential vote in “early summer.” The elections will replace the leaders appointed after the army ousted elected president Mohamed Mursi in July. Fahmy’s comments to Reuters in an interview were the most specific …

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France reiterates confidence in Tunisia’s future

On the sidelines of his participation in the General Conference of UNESCO, Caretaker President Moncef Marzouki, on Tuesday, held talks with French President François Hollande at the Elysée Palace in Paris. The meeting focused on ways to promote bilateral relations to the level of effective partnership in all areas, especially

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Gaddafi’s Son wants to stand trial in Zintan

“There is no difference between Zintan and capital Tripoli,” Saif told the country’s Alaseema TV in his first television appearance under detention. Libyan Attorney General Abdel Kader Radwan recently issued a request to the court in Zintan to hand over Saif al-Islam in order that the Criminal Court should try …

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