Eurasia News

ICG report says that it’s time for Turkey and Greece to settle Aegean problem

For Turkey and Greece, it is time to settle the long-lasting Aegean problem between them despite the Cyrpus issue, a new report from the International Crisis Group (ICG) has indicated. “The deadlocked Cyprus problem is still a factor, but both sides have distanced themselves from the idea that its solution …

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Bosnian party leaders to propose a new PM within a week

Bosnia’s party leaders have just over a week to come up with new potential candidates for the post of chair of the Council of Ministers after the last nominee, Slavo Kukic, failed to gain parliamentary endorsement. After Slavo Kukic failed to survive a second round of voting in parliament last …

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Teodor Baconschi a discutat cu omologul sau ucrainean la Bruxelles despre imbunatatirea relatiilor cu Ucraina

Ministrul de externe Teodor Baconschi a avut, luni, la Bruxelles, o întrevedere cu omologul său ucrainean, Konstatin Grişcenko, căruia i-a solicitat identificarea unor măsuri de creştere a încrederii între Bucureşti şi Kiev

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Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia Presidents to meet in Brioni

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territorial integrity and the look-out for ways of functioning of the central power in Sarajevo will be the major topics for discussion at the meeting of the presidents of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will be held at the Croatian Brioni resort on Monday. The …

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EC to give evaluation on Serbia

The European Commission (EC) is working out its position on Serbia’s candidacy for EU membership. It is expected for the EC to give a positive evaluation for the country and make a recommendation for launching the accession talks. However, it is possible that Serbia will not become a EU member …

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