Eurasia News

Council of Europe officer calls for improvement of human rights in areas affected by the 2008 Georgia-Russia conflict

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg on Thursday called for the improvement of human rights in areas affected by the 2008 Georgia-Russia conflict. Hammarberg released a report based on his latest visit to Georgia. He remarked the urgent need to release all remaining detainees who were apprehended …

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European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur for Kosovo, Ulrike Lunacek, says visa liberalisation for Kosovo should be discussed soon

The European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur for Kosovo, Ulrike Lunacek, said on Wednesday (October 6th) that Kosovo’s EU visa liberalisation “should be discussed without losing any time”. The Austrian representative at

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Serbia’s progress in its EU integration depends on ICTY chief prosecutor’s report

The Netherlands will give ‘green light’ for Serbia’s progress on its way to the EU accession depending on the report of Serge Brammertz, chief prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, said Dutch politician MEP Han ten Broeke, Serbian online edition S Media reports. In …

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Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister for European affairs: Greece is a ramp for EU enlargement

Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister for European affairs Vasko Naumovski called Greece a ramp, which prevents Western Balkan countries to join EU. He noted that the entire enlargement process shouldn’t be a hostage of one what he called non-European behavior by one of the EU member states.

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European Parliament abolishes visas for Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina

MEPs have backed proposals to exempt nationals of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania from visas by the end of 2010, agreeing with the European Commission that these two countries meet the required conditions on document security and combating illegal immigration and crime.

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