
Azerbaijan To Europe’s Rescue?

As fears grow that Moscow may react to mooted western sanctions by halting gas exports to Europe, Europe and Azerbaijan are talking about how Baku may help by boosting its own gas exports westward. The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, confirmed on January 30 that Brussels was in …

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Will Belarus Be Springboard For Russian Incursion Into Ukraine?

Fears that Russia will use Belarus to invade Ukraine are growing as Minsk announced that it was deploying troops to conduct military exercises with Moscow near the Ukrainian border. President Alexander Lukashenko said this week that he was preparing to send “a full contingent of Belarusian troops” to the nearly …

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Biden’s Borders: The Threat to America and the Threat to the Free World

Putin seems to understand Biden. Putin also seems to understand hollow threats and ineffective sanctions. Putin, in addition, reduced natural gas exports to Europe by 41% last month… It appears to be a “squeeze play.” Putin would appear to be choking off natural gas supplies to Europe as a wedge, …

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Ruslanas Iržikevičius. Nuogas dilgėlėse dėl vertybinės užsienio politikos

Gana seniai neteko matyti tokių karštų diskusijų dėl vertybinės Lietuvos užsienio politikos. Praėjo gana daug laiko nuo tada, kai Lietuvos vardas buvo taip dažnai linksniuojamas pasaulio žiniasklaidoje. Drįsčiau teigti, kad paskutinį kartą tai buvo 1991 sausio mėnesį. Ir tai taip pat buvo vertybinės politikos tema. Panašu, kad būtent šios savybės …

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America Is Reaping What It Sowed in Ukraine

So what are Americans to believe about the rising tensions over Ukraine? The United States and Russia both claim their escalations are defensive, responding to threats and escalations by the other side, but the resulting spiral of escalation can only make war more likely. Ukrainian President Zelensky is warning that …

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US wants war in Ukraine, charges Russia at UN debate

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia accused the United States of “whipping up tensions” and seeking to provoke a Russian invasion of Ukraine, in a debate at the United Nations Security Council over the mounting crisis in Eastern Europe. “The discussion about a threat of war is provocative in and of itself,” …

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Taiwan Can’t Wait

What America Must Do To Prevent a Successful Chinese Invasion In March 2021, Admiral Philip S. Davidson, then the commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, informed Congress that China could invade Taiwan within the next six years. In October, Taiwanese Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng gave an even shorter timeline, asserting that …

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Russia Gains Much From Threats to Invade Ukraine, But Knows That Actually Doing So Would be a Disaster

The essence of the crisis in Ukraine is that Russia can gain many benefits from its unspoken threat to invade, but none at all from actually doing so. “Russia will keep piling on the pressure,” a veteran analyst of Ukrainian affairs, who wishes to remain anonymous, told me. “But I …

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UK PM to visit Ukraine in show of support, urges Russia to step back from conflict

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will visit Ukraine on Tuesday as part of diplomatic efforts to deter a possible Russian invasion, urging Moscow to step back from the brink of conflict. Johnson will meet with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to discuss the tens of thousands of Russian troops amassed in …

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Biden says he plans to designate Qatar as major non-NATO ally

President Joe Biden said on Monday (January 31) he plans to designate Qatar as a major non-NATO ally, granting a special status to a key ally in the Middle East. Biden made the announcement as he met Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, in the Oval Office. The emir …

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