
We Are Militarism’s Hostages

Do our “Defense Departments” really defend us? Absolutely not! Their very title is a lie. The military-industrial complex sells itself by claiming to defend civilians. It justifies vast and crippling budgets by this claim; but it is a fraud. For the military-industrial complex, the only goal is money and power. …

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Russian Markets Plunge As War Fears Mount

The Russian stock market took a dive Monday as war fears triggered a massive sell-off, with tens of billions of dollars wiped from the value of some of the country’s leading businesses. As concerns mount that President Vladimir Putin is poised to order an invasion of neighboring Ukraine, the ruble …

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Yemen Conflict: Blowback Of Obama’s Botched Syria Policy – OpEd

After Arab Spring protests erupted in the Middle East in 2011, toppling longtime dictators of the Arab World, including Ben Ali in Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, Yemenis also gathered in the capital’s squares demanding removal of Ali Abdullah Saleh. Instead of conceding to protesters’ fervent demand of holding …

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Crisis As Opportunity: Towards A New European Security Architecture? – Analysis

As the Russian military build-up on the Ukrainian border continues, talks were held throughout the last week directly between US and Russia, followed by the Russia-NATO and Russia-OSCE dialogue. Now, Moscow says, it is waiting for answers on its various demands regarding the security architecture in Europe, before deciding its …

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The West Needs To Understand Why Ukraine Is So Important To Russia – OpEd

“George, you have to understand that Ukraine is not even a country. Part of its territory is in Eastern Europe and the greater part was given to us.” These were the ominous words of President Vladimir Putin of Russia to President George W. Bush in Bucharest, Romania, at a NATO …

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Americans Out: Ukrainians Confront Mixed Messaging As War Threat Looms – Analysis

When he arrived in the Ukrainian capital last October, John Vsetecka planned to spend his yearlong Fulbright grant digging into archives dating back to the Soviet era, researching the horrific 1930s famine known as the Holodomor. The research would help underpin his doctoral work at Michigan State University. He’s been …

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Putin ‘Playing Poker Rather Than Chess,’ Says Former UK Spy Chief

Why won’t Russia’s Vladimir Putin let Ukraine go? He might not be able to, according to a former head of Britain’s MI6 external intelligence agency, Alex Younger. In an interview Tuesday with the BBC, Younger said he cannot see how the Russian leader can back down as fears mount that …

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Ukraine Crisis Could Produce An Unexpected Winner: Iran – Analysis

Iran potentially could emerge as an unintended winner in the escalating crisis over Ukraine. That is, if Russian troops cross the Ukrainian border and talks in Vienna to revive the 2015 Iranian nuclear agreement fail. An imposition of tough US and European sanctions in response to any Russian incursion in …

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Iran and Eurasian Economic Union Negotiations: Upgrading EAEU-Iran Preferential Trade Agreement into a Free Trade Agreement

The EAEU-Iran preferential trade agreement (PTA) implemented on October 27, 2019, offers lower tariffs on 862 commodity types, of which 502 are Iranian exports to the Eurasian Economic Union. This agreement significantly increased the trade volume between Iran and the member countries of the Union. In the period between October …

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Пустые мечтания Запада. Ему нужна Россия против Китая

Чем ближе визит Путина в Пекин, тем выше градус алармистского абсурда, производимого англосаксами. Причем все соотнесено с украинской темой: ее раскрутили уже до такого уровня, что абсолютно все подается в привязке к ней. Даже такая важнейшая для Запада тема, как российско-китайские отношения. Их тоже пытаются атаковать с украинского ракурса. Получается, …

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