
How an ex-intel official’s prison sentence exposes the folly of the Espionage Act

Former Air Force analyst Daniel Hale is going to jail for revealing the extent to which US drones kill civilians. The District Court of Alexandria, Virginia on Tuesday sentenced former Air Force intelligence analyst Daniel Hale to nearly four years in prison. He was charged under the Espionage Act for …

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Lawrence in Arabia – War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East

Lawrence in Arabia – War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East. Scott Anderson. Anchor Books, Random House LLC, New York, 2013. Every very seldom often a book comes along that greatly exceeds expectations. Lawrence in Arabia is one of those books. Scott Anderson’s writing is …

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USA Only Knows the Language of Militarism

On July 27, 2021, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin – amid a diplomatic standoff with China – said: “We will not flinch when our interests are threatened. Yet we do not seek confrontation.” The message is clear: the US is turning its gaze to Asia and wants China to …

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Blinken vows ‘collective response’ for ship attack blamed on Iran

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States is confident that Iran carried out the attack on the Israeli-linked oil tanker. The United States is “confident” that Iran is responsible for an attack on an Israeli-linked oil tanker that killed two crew members off the coast of Oman last …

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Лукашенко-тур: як відреагує ЄС на білоруський шантаж біженцями

Гуманітарна допомога у вигляді колючого дроту виглядає досить дивно, проте саме так Україна планує підтримати Литву. І ця допомога справді потрібна Вільнюсу, який потерпає від небаченої навали мігрантів. Стабільним постачальником мігрантів до Євросоюзу через кордон з Литвою стала Білорусь. Більш того, Литва напряму звинувачує самопроголошеного білоруського президента Александра Лукашенка в …

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Russian Foreign Affairs Columnist Yusin: Russia Is Overdoing It In Selling The Taliban As Worthy Interlocutors

Formally, the Taliban is an organization that is banned in Russia, but Russia is meeting Taliban officials on the most senior levels. Furthermore, Russian officials have definitely tilted towards the Taliban by depicting them as sane while making snide comments about the Kabul government.[1] According to Kommersant columnist Maxim Yusin, …

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Global Britain Slashes International Aid – OpEd

Politics is not merely the art of the possible but the pursuit of concerted hypocrisy. When it comes to that matter of funding good causes – foreign aid, for instance – wealthy states are often happy to claim they open their wallets willingly. As good international citizens, they fork out …

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Syria: Russian air defence downs Israeli missiles

Four missiles fired by Israeli warplanes in Syria’s Homs province early on Thursday were shot down by the Syrian army using Russian-made “Buk” air defence systems, RT has reported. According to the report, two Israeli F-16 jets fired the guided missiles from Lebanese airspace.

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Балкански мини ЕС

Северна Македония, Сърбия и Албания правят нещо като мини Евросъюз на Западните Балкани със започналата в сряда среща на премиерите им в Скопие, където ще преформатират известната инициатива мини Шенген в регионален икономически форум. Освен важни документи за търговия, разрешителни за работа и взаимна подкрепа в случай на бедствия, трите …

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