
Bennett and Putin agree to meet during first phone call

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett holds first call with Vladimir Putin, agree to face-to-face meeting. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin made plans to meet in the near future, when the two leaders held their first phone call on Monday since the new government was sworn in last …

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Norway’s Largest Pension Fund Divests From Companies Operating in West Bank

The largest pension fund in Norway, KLP, has divested from 16 companies for doing business in Israeli West Bank settlements, selling off nearly $32 million in shares of the companies. The companies include Motorola and Altice Europe, three telecom and communications companies, five Israeli banks and two energy companies. Because …

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Canal-Blocking Ship, Crew Free to Go Wednesday After Compensation Deal

A settlement was reached Sunday in the compensation dispute that has kept one of the world’s largest container ships and its crew locked up on an Egyptian lake for more than three months. On Wednesday, the settlement contract will be signed and the ship will finally be permitted to set …

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Russia, China Extend Treaty, Hail Ties

The leaders of China and Russia on Monday announced the extension of a 20-year-old friendship treaty, hailing increasingly close ties and the “stabilizing role” of their relationship. The Kremlin published a joint statement from Russia and China to mark two decades since the treaty was signed, as Vladimir Putin and …

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Russia’s Putin Challenges U.S. Leadership, Asserts Military Might

Russian president seeks to portray the U.S. as a waning power during an annual event at which he answers questions from ordinary citizens Russian President Vladimir Putin challenged U.S. leadership in world affairs on Wednesday, arguing that an era of U.S. hegemony has come to an end as he touted …

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Прямая линия с Владимиром Путиным

В эфире телеканалов «Первый», «Россия 1», «Россия 24», НТВ, ОТР, «Мир», радиостанций «Маяк», «Вести FM» и «Радио России» состоялась ежегодная специальная программа «Прямая линия с Владимиром Путиным». Е.Березовская: Здравствуйте! В эфире «Прямая линия с Владимиром Путиным». В студии Наиля Аскер-заде… Н.Аскер-заде: И Екатерина Березовская. Е.Березовская: Наши коллеги Татьяна Ремезова и …

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How Erdoğan’s Miscalculation Crippled Turkey’s Aerial Firepower

Turkey is still blackmailing the U.S. (and NATO allies) that it may opt for a Russian fighter jet, the Su-57, for instance, in case it feels threatened by the lack of a new generation fighter aircraft. This is bluffing. Turkish Air Force generals know too well that switching from NATO-standard …

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Un RN gentil avec les institutions supranationales, ça n’intéresse personne!

Fragilisée par ses récents résultats électoraux décevants, Marine Le Pen essuie des critiques sur sa stratégie politique. Elle anime ce week-end le congrès de son mouvement à Perpignan, où elle devrait être réélue confortablement. Mais a-t-elle bien pris conscience de la « maladie du Rassemblement National », principal obstacle devant …

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Entrisme islamiste: Marlène Schiappa n’a-t-elle toujours pas compris?

En France, l’obligation de neutralité religieuse ne concerne que les présidents et présidentes de bureaux de vote. Partant, à l’assemblée nationale, Marlène Schiappa a estimé que la démocratie française se porterait mieux s’il y avait davantage d’assesseures voilées dans les bureaux de vote, comme dans celui du RN Jordan Bardella …

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Oh non! Cette “racialisation” de la société qu’Emmanuel Macron n’a pas vue venir

Après avoir séparé les Français marseillais en communautés dans son discours du 1er avril 2017 (“Je vois les Arméniens, les Comoriens, les Italiens, les Algériens, les Marocains, les Tunisiens, je vois les Maliens, les Sénégalais…”), après avoir dragué le vote communautaire musulman en s’affichant avec l’humoriste controversé Yassine Belattar, voilà …

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