
“No shortcuts to Europe”

Chairman of the National Council for Hague Cooperation Rasim Ljajić says that Ratko Mladić must be arrested for Serbia to progress towards the EU. He said that there should be no illusions about Holland allowing the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) to be unfrozen before Mladić is extradited to The …

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Verdict in Bytyqi case due on Tuesday

The war crimes chamber in Belgrade is expected to deliver its verdict today in the case of 2 suspected accomplices in the murder of the Bytyqi brothers in 1999. The trial of Sreten Popović and Miloš Stojanović, former members of the Serbian Interior Ministry, began on November 13, 2006. They …

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Georgian President Continues Official Meetings In United States

GEORGIA President Mikheil Saakashvili continues official meetings in the United States.Saakashvili met with the US State Secretary Hillary Clinton in New York on September 21. Philip Gordon, the US assistant secretary for European affairs, has introduced the details of the meeting between the Georgian president and the US State Secretary …

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Bulgaria upholds 2011 deadline for entering Schengen

BULGARIA The deadline for Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen zone remains 2011, according to a statement from Bulgarian Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov delivered in Brussels on September 21 2009, the Bulgarian National Radio, the BNR has reported. “We are working with this ambition in mind and so I hope we …

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Bulgaria was more independent 100 years ago: minister

BULGARIA 100 years ago Bulgaria was more independent country than it is today, Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Tsvetan Tsvetanov said. Minister Tsvetanov is in the town of Veliko Tarnovo the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the Bulgaria’s Independence. In his words today in the time …

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September 22 – the Independence Day of Bulgaria

BULGARIA The Independence Day of Bulgaria – September 22, will be observed throughout the country. The center of festivities will be the town of Veliko Tarnovo. At 8.00 am in St. Forty Martyrs Church, where in 1908, Prince Ferdinand declared Bulgaria’s independence, will be held by the world Liturgy by …

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Greece Uncertain on Macedonia’s EU Progress

GREECE Greece is unconvinced that Macedonia will receive a date for the start of its EU accession talks in this autumn’s European Commission, EC, progress report, Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyiannis said. Macedonia hopes a date for the start of EU integration talks will be included in the report, scheduled …

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Serbia Seeks Improved US Ties

SERBIA Leading a delegation to the UN General Assembly, Serbian President Boris Tadic says Belgrade is seeking closer ties with the US. AT the start of its trip, the Serbian delegation met representatives of the Serbian diaspora, Senator George Voinovich, Ohio governor Ted Strickland and Ohio National Guard Commander Gregory …

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Nametnut set zakona za Brčko

Visoki predstavnik međunarodne zajednice za BiH nametnuo je jučer Zakon o podjeli sredstava koje je BiH dobila sukcesijom bivše SFRJ po kojem će oko 170,9 miliona KM podijeliti država, entiteti i distrikt Brčko. Zakon o raspodjeli sredstava od sukcesije dio je paketa mjera koje je jučer, koristeći se bonskim ovlastima, …

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