
Slovenia poised to unblock Croatia

CROATIA Slovenia is set to unblock Croatia’s EU accession talks, while Zagreb is set to withdraw the disputed documents that prejudice the border between the two states. The major breakthrough in the negotiations emerged Friday at a meeting of Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor and Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor …

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EU elaborates new strategy for South Caucasus

KAVKAZ During a meeting on September 14, EU Foreign Ministers are expected to launch a debate on how to bring the bloc’s outreach to the South Caucasus up to date. The EU recognizes that the South Caucasus is gaining in importance in terms of regional stability, energy, and trade. All …

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Occupied Cyprus votes against Georgia refugees right of return

CYPRUS CYPRUS is the only European Union member-state which did not vote in favour of a UN resolution that recognised the right of return of all internally displaced persons and refugees and their descendants to their homes throughout Georgia, it emerged yesterday. Cyprus was among 78 countries which abstained from …

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Black Sea Port Is Flash Point for Georgia and Russia

RUSIA Rising tensions between Russia and Georgia over shipping rights to a breakaway Georgian region have opened a potential new theater for conflict between the countries, a little more than a year after they went to war. Georgia’s coast guard has commandeered five merchant vessels from various countries this year …

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Violence flares in North Caucasus

RUSSIA Attacks in the volatile North Caucasus are the latest deadly episode in a wave of violence to hit the region. In Dagestan, Russian security forces killed four suspected Islamist rebels in heavy fighting as insurgents continue to challenge Kremlin rule. In the neighbouring republic of Chechnya, where Russia fought …

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Bulgaria’s Belene nuclear plant construction to cost 10 bln euros

BULGARIA Bulgarian Economy, Energy and Tourism Minister Traicho Traikov has announced that the construction of Belene Nuclear Power Plant will cost around EUR 10 billion (USD 14.6 billion), local media reported on Saturday. Traikov gave the example of Kozloduy nuclear power plant (NPP),stating that the same installations would be made …

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Despre unionism, cu calm (I)

„Nimic nu este nerezonabil, dacă este util.” (Tucidide) Mihai Ghimpu a spus-o. Şi imediat au început reacţiile publice, cele mai multe iritate, unele îngrijorate, altele sceptice. Să te declari român şi unionist – fie şi „privat” – este un gest care, la majoratul R. Moldova, şochează. Concluzia majoritară a fost …

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Uhapšeni prošao provjeru obavještajne službe

BiH Bojan Cvijan, djelatnik Državne agencije za istrage i zaštitu (SIPA), koji je nedavno uhapšen zbog povezanosti s kriminalnom grupom Darka Eleza, od maja prošle godine imao je pristup najpovjerljivijim podacima. Saglasnost za pristup tajnim podacima Cvijanu je dala Obavještajno-sigurnosna agencija BiH (OSA).

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Nepoznato ko će upravljati oduzetom imovinom

BiH The members of the Alliance for European Integration expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that Vladimir Voronin did not announced his decision to resign as head of state in the Parliament. Izmjenama Krivičnog zakona BiH, kojima je omogućeno oduzimanje nezakonito stečene imovine, nije predviđeno i osnivanje posebne institucije zadužene …

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