
Lavrov reiterates Russia’s negative stance on arms supplies to Georgia

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday reiterated Moscow’s negative stance on the possibility of weapons supplies to Georgia from abroad. “I have repeatedly commented on the issue of Georgia’s rearmament,” the foreign minister said. “I proceed from the fact that those who supplied Saakashvili’s regime with arms that were …

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The EC on Romania

Romania has taken a number of welcome steps since the European Commission’s 2008 report to re-launch the reform process and a “new momentum” had been established which has resulted in a series of positive steps, the EC said in its July 22 report on the country’s performance under the Co-operation …

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Obama nominates new ambassador to Bulgaria – report

US president Barack Obama is to name Marc S Ellenbogen, an entrepreneur and philanthropist, as ambassador in Sofia to replace Nancy McEldowney, a Bulgarian media report said on July 24 2009. Ellenbogen (47) chairs the board of directors of the Global Panel Foundation, Standart said.The paper quoted diplomatic sources. There …

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România, sondajele şi „generalul iarnă”

“În privinţa incertitudinilor legate de stocarea gazelor naturale în Ucraina, Comisia UE a recomandat statelor membre să se pregătească mai bine pentru perioada de iarnă şi să-şi asigure depozitele de gaze naturale din toate sursele disponibile”… (iulie 2009) Nimic nou pe frontul de Est? Şi da, şi nu. Vizele pentru …

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Odlazak koji ništa ne mijenja

Tarik Sadović nije više ministar sigurnosti BiH. Četvrta je to personalna promjena u aktuelnom sazivu Vijeća ministara BiH. Smjena Sadovića kao niti ranije kadrovske promjene neće državnu vladu učiniti efikasnijom. Ministri su samo eksponenti svojih stranaka koje imaju potpuno suprotstavljene koncepte funkcioniranja države, a samim tim i Vijeća ministara BiH.

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Strane sudije i tužioci ostaju samo za ratne zločine

SARAJEVO Vijeće ministara BiH utvrdilo je jučer prijedloge izmjena zakona o Sudu i Tužilaštvu BiH kojim se produžava mandat međunarodnih sudija i tužilaca do kraja 2012. godine, ali samo onima u Apelacionom odjelu u predmetima ratnih zločina. “Izmjenama Zakona o Sudu BiH produžava se mandat međunarodnih sudija do 31. decembra …

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Sadović koči borbu protiv terorizma

SARAJEVO Vlasti SAD označile su ministra sigurnosti BiH jednim od kočničara usvajanja zakona o borbi protiv terorizma. Ova je ocjena jedan od razloga navedenih u zahtjevu za smjenu ministra sigurnosti BiH, koju je Predstavničkom domu parlamenta BiH jučer obrazložio predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara BiH Nikola Špirić.

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Illegal immigration: A growing issue and the coming debate on Turkey’s role.

Greece over the past few years has become a source country concerning the entrance of an unspecified amount of illegal immigrants, mostly from Asian and African states, that enter mainly through the Greek-Turkish borders and with the complicity or indifference of the authorities of the neighboring country, despite the bilateral …

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Sick Rehn Cancels Bosnia Meetings

Due to sudden health problems, EU enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn has canceled his scheduled meetings in Sarajevo on Friday, EU officials confirm. During his three-day tour of the Balkans, Rehn visited Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia. He arrived in Sarajevo on Thursday evening and was supposed to meet Bosnian officials and …

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Macedonia Seeks EU Reforms Consensus

Facing a tight EU reform schedule, Macedonia’s prime minister will seek consensus on speeding the neccessary changes in a meeting with political party leaders on Friday. Hoping to promote the rapid passage of related legislation, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has summoned the head of the opposition, Social Democrat’s leader Branko …

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