
Cyprus Will Never Recognise Kosovo

Cyprus’ Defence Minister, Costas Papacostas, told reporters in Belgrade yesterday that his country will never recognise Kosovo’s independence. “This is the consistent stand of the Republic of Cyprus and one that we advocate in the European Union,” Papacostas said at a news conference in Belgrade after formal meetings with Serbian …

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War Criminals May Serve Out Sentences in Slovenia

Convicted war criminals in the Hague could serve their sentences out in Slovenia. Hague Tribunal President Patrick Robinson opened the subject for discussion with Slovenian President Danilo Tuerk in Ljubljana. They met to finalise plans for phasing out the court’s work and close all cases by the end of 2013. …

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Albania Misses EU Visa Targets

Albania has made huge progress despite missing targets to qualify EU visa-free status by the end of the year, according to the country’s foreign minister. “The commission has recognized that Albania is progressing at full speed toward the government’s major goal, lifting visa restrictions within 12 months,” said foreign minister …

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EU Visa Restrictions To Be Axed

Qualifying countries in the Western Balkans could have visa-free status across the EU by the end of the year. The EU Council of Ministers meeting in Luxembourg have green-lighted the European Commission’s scheme of removing visa restrictions for countries in the Western Balkans who meet their criteria.

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US: Macedonia’s NATO, EU Entry Is Priority

While the ”name” referendum is a legitimate idea, Macedonia’s leaders should focus on making the undisputed high NATO and EU approval in the country a dream come true, the United States ambassador to Macedonia said. The US ambassador to Macedonia urged its leaders to focus more on entrance into NATO …

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Kosovo Independence Irreversible, Ahtisaari

Kosovo’s independence is irreversible according to Martti Ahtisaari, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former UN Envoy to Kosovo. He added that international recognitions of Kosovo’s statehood would cement the county’s status. Speaking at a special session of the Kosovo Assembly to celebrate the first anniversary of Kosovo’s constitution, Ahtisaari said …

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PACE Head: Macedonia Should Play Nice

Macedonia should work towards better relationships with its neighbours if it wants to join the EU, says PACE president Luis Maria de Puig. The president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) said that the road to EU membership is long and hard and that “everyone needs …

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Karadzic: Another ICTY Saga

The case against the wartime Bosnian Serb leader is not what it should have been, and the Hague Tribunal will be forced to end its mandate with an entertaining farce, Anes Alic comments for ISN Security Watch. Though many had doubts that wartime Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic would ever …

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Russia, Belarus Up War Of Words As Rift Widens

The rift between Russia and Belarus deepened on Sunday when Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko snubbed a security summit in Moscow in protest at Russia’s “trade war” against his nation. Ties between the former Soviet republics have been strained since 2007. Minsk is angry at rising prices for Russian gas and …

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