
Serbian Church Endorses Biden’s Visit

The Serbian Orthodox Church has overruled an earlier announcement by the of Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren, and has decided to endorse US Vice President Joseph Biden’s visit to Kosovo’s Visoki Decani monastery Thursday. Controversy began when the Raska and Prizren Diocese told media Wednesday that Artemije harshly criticised …

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Dragan Lukač: SIPA se ne bavi političkim montažama

Author: Mirza Čubro Državna agencija za istrage i zaštitu (SIPA) ne bavi se politički montiranim procesima, niti je istraga protiv 15 dužnosnika iz RS politički montirana, tvrdi Dragan Lukač, pomoćnik direktora SIPA. NN: Jesu li tačni navodi da je Tužilaštvo BiH naredilo zvanično otvaranje istrage protiv više osoba iz RS, …

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Moldovan Communists Fail in Presidential Vote

Efforts by Moldova’s Communist Party to keep its leader, Vladimir Voronin, in a position of power suffered a setback on Wednesday when his protegee was rejected as presidential candidate in a parliamentary vote. Voronin, president since 2001, cannot seek a third term in office; but he has secured the position …

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Zver: Pahor Responsible for Rehn’s Bad Proposal

The original proposal by EU commissioner for enlargement, Olli Rehn, for the solving of the border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia, is bad for Slovenia, but that is the consequence of the poorer actions by Pahor’s government in relation to the previous government, a Slovenian member of parliament, Milan Zver, …

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Karadzic Lawyer Says Has Evidence of Immunity Deal

The defence team for former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic said Wednesday it will present evidence next week that Karadzic was promised by a top U.S. official he would not be prosecuted for war crimes. Peter Robinson, Karadzic’s legal adviser, said his team would file a motion at the International …

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EU Council of Ministers satisfied with EULEX

BRUSSELS, Belgium The EU Council of Ministers is satisfied with the results of the EU’s judicial and rule of law mission in Kosovo, the EULEX, local media reported on Monday (May 18th). Meeting in Brussels, the council welcomed the mission’s efforts to support Pristina authorities.

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Turkish court rules Gul should stand trial

ANKARA, Turkey A court ruled on Monday (May 18th) that President Abdullah Gul should stand trial in a fraud case involving missing party funds, despite his immunity as a head of state. The alleged fraud case dates back to the late 1990s, when the Welfare Party, a predecessor of the …

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Turkish Cypriot cabinet wins confidence vote

NICOSIA, Cyprus The new government in the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus won a confidence vote in parliament Monday (May 18th), media reported. The government won support from 26 of the 50 lawmakers, while 23 voted “against”, allowing the National Unity Party’s (UBP) cabinet to formally assume office.

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