
Macedonia Fails to Clarify Kosovo Spat

Questioned by journalists, Macedonia’s President Georgi Ivanov failed to clarify if Kosovo’s President Fatmir Sejdiu was invited to his inauguration ceremony held on Tuesday. “The ceremony was organised by the president of Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, which means that all invitations were sent by him,” Ivanov said in …

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US: Macedonia, Greece To Focus Only On Name

The US is urging Macedonia and Greece to put aside unproductive disputes over differing interpretations of history and identity when trying to find a solution to the long-running name dispute between the two countries. “The issue is about the name, that’s why we call it a “name” issue. And Macedonia …

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Greek Partly Leaves Albania’s Government

The Union for Human Rights Party, PBDNJ, announced on Wednesday that it was dropping out of the coalition the centre-right government of Prime Minister Berisha, to join the Socialist of Tirana mayor Edi Rama ahead of the June 28 elections. Speaking in front of reporters the head of PBDNJ Vangjel …

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EU: Belgrade and Pristina Must Make Amends

Pieter Feith, the EU’s Special Envoy to Kosovo, says neither Belgrade nor Pristina will be able to realise their EU dreams unless they mend relations. “I’m not saying that Belgrade needs to recognise Kosovo’s independence, but there has to exist at least minimal cooperation between the two sides on issues …

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EU Wants Passport Guarantees from Serbia

The European Commission has expressed concern about the way Serbia issues its identification documents, and is concerned that passports could be given out to “all and sundry”, the Blic newspaper reports. The paper says that as a further guarantee for visa liberalisation, Brussels wants Serbia’s passport issuance system to become …

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Serbia: SNS Calls for New Elections

The right wing Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) launched a campaign for early parliamentary elections at a rally held in Nis Wednesday, calling it “Serbia’s Future Begins Today”. The SNS at the rally claimed it was going to stand for getting tougher on crime and corruption, promote decentralisation of government, and …

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Austrian EVN Sues Macedonia

The Austrian power utility company EVN, Wednesday confirmed it has filed a law suit against Macedonia at the Washington based International Arbitrary Court. EVN is suing the state for impeding their work in Macedonia as the main power supplier. The company has not disclosed damages they are demanding. “At a …

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Incko neće tolerisati blokade

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO Visoki predstavnik međunarodne zajednice za BiH Valentin Incko u jučerašnjem obraćanju parlamentu BiH upozorio je vlasti BiH da neće tolerisati blokiranje puta zemlje u EU i zatražio da prestanu raditi suprotno interesima građana. “Kao specijalni predstavnik EU nastojat ću da savjetima pomognem da usvojite potrebne reforme. …

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Pahor`s Conditional `Yes` Inacceptable For EU

Slovene politicians have finally agreed on amendments necessary for Slovenia to accept the proposal of European Union expansion commissioner Olli Rehn, but not many believe that Pahor`s terms will be acceptable for the European Commission and Croatia, Slovene press assessed on Wednesday. Furthermore, Olli Rehn`s spokesperson Krisztina Nagy reiterated that …

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Russia May Face Energy Conflicts Along Borders

Russia may face conflicts over energy resources along its borders in the near future, according to a Kremlin security policy document published on Wednesday. The document did not name specific nations but Russia, the world’s biggest oil and gas producer, shares a long border with resource-hungry China and a small …

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