
Christofias rejects possible UN arbitration on Cyprus issue

NICOSIA, Cyprus – President Demetris Christofias said on Saturday (April 4th) that Greek Cypriots will not accept any change to the ongoing negotiation process aimed at reunifying the divided island. This includes setting deadlines for completing talks or possible UN arbitration. “These principles have been accepted by the international community, …

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Romanian government ready to render help to Italy

Bucharest. Romanian government “expressed its readiness” to render help to Italian authorities ,if it is necessary, after the earthquake in Italy. This was said in a letter sent by Romanian Prime Minster Emil Boc to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

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Bulgaria Requests New Russia Pipeline for South Stream Transit

The Bulgarian government has asked Russia to avoid using Bulgaria’s gas pipeline network for transit purposes in its South Stream project. Thus, Russia will have to build a separate gas pipeline in Bulgaria, Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy, Yavor Kuyumdzhiev, stated in an interview on Bulgarian National Radio late …

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Commissioner: European Help May Snag Reforms in Bulgaria

Brussels fears that the involvement of European officials in key positions in Bulgaria’s administration may unnecessarily complicate reforms here, a commissioner said in Sofia. Margot Wallstrom, Vice President of the European Commission and Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy Commissioner, commented the extraordinary new plan, hatched by the government, to involve …

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Bulgarian Government to Reconsider Budget 2009 Spendings

The Bulgarian Government should reconsider Budget 2009 spendings in order to generate surplus. That was Vladimir Karolev’s opinion, expressed at the sixth discussion of the “Debates 2009” campaign, organized by the Bulgarian Industrial Association. Vladimir Karolev is an economist at National Movement for Prosperity and Stability (NMPS), but he stressed …

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Runners in Bulgaria European Vote to Register by May 12

Bulgarian parties and coalitions, willing to join the race for MEPs, should submit their papers to the Central Electoral Commission by May 12, it was announced on Monday. Bulgarians, living in EU member states, who want to vote in the MEP elections, should submit a request to this effect with …

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Italy Seeks Faster Integration of Western Balkans

The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Franco Frattini, asked the EU to begin finalising the Trade Agreement with Serbia by the end of June. Italy has presented a plan to step up Euro-integration of the Western Balkans, in which it proposes speeding up negotiation of the Trade Agreement, and demands …

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Bulgarian Finance System is Stable

Bulgaria’s financial system and the central bank’s balance sheet are in very good condition, and there is no reason for concern, Bulgarian National Bank, BNB, governor Ivan Iskrov announced. At a presentation of the events planned for BNB’s 130th anniversary, Iskrov said that many countries could only dream enviously of …

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