
The U.N. Doesn’t Have to Be a Casualty of the War in Ukraine

Last week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered an impassioned rebuke to the United Nations Security Council for its failure to prevent Russia’s invasion of his country. “Where is the security that the Security Council needs to guarantee?” he demanded. “It’s not there.” Rather than taking forceful action to arrest or …

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The Russia-Ukraine Crisis Could Determine the Future of Sovereignty

Beyond its immediate implications for European security, the current crisis at the Ukraine-Russia border highlights the enduring importance of state sovereignty as an ordering principle in world politics, notwithstanding frequent claims that globalization has rendered it obsolete. It also exposes the tendency of governments to invoke, dismiss or reinterpret this …

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Conflict Trends Update

GEORGIA Breakaway territory South Ossetia’s de facto president Anatoly Bibilov announced last Friday a referendum scheduled for 17 July on whether the region — which Moscow recognised as an independent state in 2008 — should accede to the Russian Federation. Bibilov was defeated in second-round elections earlier this month by …

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Concerning ‘China’s Master Plan to Destroy America’

China has been unabashed about making its intentions known. Already in 1999, two colonels in China’s People’s Liberation Army, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansui, wrote, “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America.” In it, the authors “suggest the significance of alternatives to direct military confrontation, including international policy, economic …

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La «sécurité indivisible», nouvel avatar du récit offensif chinois envers Taïwan

Face à ce nouvel argumentaire diplomatique un peu vaseux, la nécessité d’une stratégie occidentale globale Selon la Chine, Taïwan demeure la 23e province chinoise. Mais en réalité, depuis 1945, l’île est de facto indépendante de la république populaire de Chine – qui n’y a jamais exercé aucun pouvoir politique, mais …

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Guerre et paix — et puis guerre

Une amie professeur de Lettres à Nice a été priée par le rectorat, un peu plus tôt dans l’année, de fournir un sujet sur le thème au programme cette année en terminale — spécialité « Humanités Littérature Philosophie » —, qui est opportunément (l’Inspection générale a parfois de ces intuitions) …

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LFI: La France islamo-gauchiste?

La campagne clientéliste menée par Jean-Luc Mélenchon auprès des Français arabo-musulmans a porté ses fruits. Dans nombre de banlieues, il a enregistré des scores chavéziens. Ce vote communautaire marque aussi l’influence des islamistes sur toute une population. Le premier tour de la présidentielle a fait rêver jusqu’au bout Jean-Luc Mélenchon. …

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Turkish foreign minister said planning to tour Temple Mount during Israel trip

Turkey’s top envoy, Mevlut Cavusoglu, is set to visit Jerusalem next week in a diplomatic breakthrough, but his plan to go to holy site is causing tensions with Israel, report says Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is expected to visit Israel next week and plans to go to the flashpoint …

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US sanctions network of Hezbollah businessman in Lebanon

The Treasury Department designated Ahmad Jalal Reda Abdallah and several of his associates and companies based in Lebanon and Iraq. The Biden administration on Thursday imposed sanctions on an alleged financial facilitator for Hezbollah, a move aimed at exposing and disrupting the Lebanese militant group’s illicit sources of funding. The …

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Making Peace with the Paris Agreement

Peace and conflict need to be considered in the climate change agenda. The Paris Agreement was nothing less than a landmark agreement. Legally binding, adopted by 196 parties to the convention, it has inspired hope and ambition to get to net-zero emissions and limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial …

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