Middle Orient

EU seeks leap in ties with Israel, Arab neighbours

BARCELONA (AP) — Leaders of the EU nations, Israel and its neighbours open a summit Sunday at which Europe will push for a leap in relations by linking billions of euros in economic aid to sweeping democratic and other reforms on the Mediterranean’s southern and eastern rims. On Saturday, as …

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Gaza border opens

RAFAH (AFP) — The Rafah border terminal between the Gaza Strip and Egypt opened to a flood of excited Palestinians on Saturday, giving them a gate to the outside world for the first time in almost three months. At least 2,000 Palestinians — some leaving the tiny strip of territory …

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Parliament approves bill to block UN nuclear agency inspections

TEHRAN (AP) — Raising the stakes before a possible showdown at the UN nuclear agency, Iran’s parliament on Sunday approved a bill requiring the government to block in-depth inspections of its nuclear facilities if the nation is referred to the Security Council for possible sanctions. Of 197 lawmakers present, 183 …

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Disillusionment among women

BAGHDAD — Safia Taleb Souhail has ambitions to be Iraq’s first woman president one day. A month before a poll in which she hopes to win a parliamentary seat, the former exile is upbeat about women’s rights and democracy.

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Palestinian finance minister’s resignation blow to reform

RAMALLAH — The resignation of much-admired Palestinian Finance Minister Salam Fayyad will deliver a major blow to efforts to attract investment and highlight the limitations of a reform drive, analysts said Sunday. Fayyad has submitted his resignation, it emerged over the weekend, in a move that sources said was the …

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Talabani extends hand to insurgents

2 more Americans, one British soldier killed BAGHDAD (AP) — Insurgent attacks took their toll on coalition forces Sunday, with a roadside bomb killing a British trooper in southern Iraq and a US soldier slain by gunfire northwest of Baghdad. A US Marine also died of wounds, the US command …

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Iraq minister rejects abuse claims; US stern

BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Iraq’s interior minister dismissed reports of prisoner abuse at a secret Baghdad bunker on Thursday, prompting a stern response from the US embassy in an affair that threatens to aggravate sectarian tensions. Less than two hours after Interior Minister Bayan Jabor tried to justify his ministry’s actions …

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Bolton concerned at delay in questioning of Syrians in Hariri probe

Muasher refutes Washington Post article on US plans to move military equipment to Jordan to pressure Damascus THE UNITED STATES expressed concern Thursday at the delay in questioning of six Syrians about the assassination of Lebanon’s former prime minister, and reminded Damascus of the UN demand for full cooperation in …

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Iran says satellite capable of spying on Israel

TEHRAN (AP) — They said the satellite would be purely scientific. But a month after its launch — and only weeks after the Iranian president said Israel should be wiped off the map — the head of Iran’s space programme now says the Sina-1 satellite is capable of spying on …

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Credibility battle

BAGHDAD — A month before Iraq holds elections, Washington and the government it backs in Baghdad find themselves battling for credibility, rather than being able to tout progress towards democracy and human rights. With the discovery of a torture bunker at Iraq’s interior ministry in Baghdad, and the admission that …

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