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Serbia’s Minister for Kosovo: Priština’s money for the Serb north unwelcome

Serbia’s Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović says the Priština government’s money allocated for the Serb north is not welcome. The Kosovo Albanian government’s announcement that it would spend EUR 5mn for infrastructure in the northern areas of Kosovo, where Serbs do not recognize its authority, was described by Bogdanović as …

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Kosovo’s FM predicts failure of Serbian resolution

Kosovo’s government is convinced that Serbia’s draft resolution on Kosovo’s secession will not be endorsed by the UN General Assembly in September, Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni told a cabinet meeting

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Albanian Foreign Minister says EU accession tops agenda

Albania’s Foreign Minister Ilir Meta said on Wednesday (August 25th) that Albania is closer to the EU than ever. During the first day of a Tirana conference involving Albanian ambassadors, he predicted “Our country will

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