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Trichet says Greece makes steps in right direction

European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet backed Greece’s austerity measures, saying he is confident that the country will do what is needed to cut the budget deficit. “We expect and we are confident that the Greek government will take all the decisions that will permit them to reach that goal,” …

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The new U.S. ambassador in Belgrade: Serbia’s Door to NATO is Open

The new U.S. ambassador in Belgrade, Mary Warlick, has announced that the door of NATO membership is open to Serbia, stressing that Serbia is the one to decide if it wants to join the alliance. Warlick said that “the United States fully supports the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Serbia …

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Blockage along Ilinden-Exohi checkpoint lifted

Blockage at Ilinden-Exohi checkpoint is finally lifted for all types of vehicles. Protesting Greek farmers have removed the tractors and other farming machines.

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