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Moldova – MPs adopt new procedure for electing head of state

The Parliament Thursday passed amendments to the procedure for electing the President of Moldova in first reading by a majority vote. The parliamentary group of the Communists Party (PCRM) described the bill as abusive and did not back it. 

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Bill Clinton expected in Priština

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton will arrive in Kosovo on Sunday, says Hashim Thaci. The Kosovo Albanian premier explained that Clinton will attend the unveiling of a statue of himself. The statue has been placed on a Priština boulevard that has also been named after the former American president.

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Haradinaj could face partial Hague retrial

The Hague Tribunal prosecution requested a partial retrial of Ramush Haradinaj. The prosecution claims that the initial trial, which resulted in the ethnic Albanian’s acquittal on charges of crimes in Kosovo in 1998, was not just.

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